It is used in the knowledge-based decisions. It provides training to the team members in the organization.
It is used in the yield meeting, which indicates that the individuals must have the same vision.
It is used in the pricing and inventory management and provides the detailed information about the inventory.
Effective forecasting reduces inventories
The effective estimation helps the organizations to reduce the inventory and the organizations can become effective in the market. If a company becomes efficient in the forecasting so that the company can easily estimate the future needs of the market and produce the inventory according to the desire of the market (Olszewska & Piwoni-Krzeszowska, 2014).
Contract manufacturer in a supply chain
The contract manufacturers have a greater role in the supply chain. The contract manufacturers struggle in the lowest margins. A great example of the role of contract manufacturer in the supply chain is a high-tech company. The underlying company outsources the manufacturing of the components that help to the owners in improving the time to the market and helps to reduce the complexity of the supply chain (Madsen, Rzevski, Skobelev, & Tsarev, 2013).
Importance of the supply chain to the clothing manufacturer
The main purpose of the clothing manufacturers is to achieve growth by using diversification with vertical integration. In order to achieve the targets, the clothing manufacturers adopt several designs, distribute, manufacture and also retail the clothes in the market. The supply chain is a very important process for the clothing manufacturers. By using the effective supply chain, the clothing company can easily compete for the other competitors (Lotfi & Houshmand, 2015).
2 stages in 5S principles
The first stage illustrates the disturbance in the functioning of the mind of individuals. It reduces the capacity of the person to make the decision.
The second stage stated that a person cannot make any decision if that person will not retain the information in his mind and he cannot understand the information for which the decision is to be made. These two stages are vital in the 5S principles.
Three main activities in the directing function
The directing function is the continuous activity because it is continuous in the life of the organization.
The directing function is the creative activity because it helps to convert the plans in the performance. Without the creative activity, the individuals become inactive.
The direction function is essential in all levels of the organization. The managers provide the guidance to the workers about the work in order to get the effective results.
Importance of organization to become innovative
If the organizations become innovative, it can provide the new and advanced features and products to the individuals. Due the change in the fashion, the taste and preferences of the individuals are also changed so in order to fulfill the needs of the individuals, it is essential for the organizations to become innovative. The innovation also helps the organization to become competitive in the market (Helps, 2015).
Measurement of the quality of a product
It is the duty of the manager to produce the best quality product. The manager must provide a deep focus on the quality of the product. The company has to focus on all the requirements of the quality. Detailed description about the quality is essential in order to measure the product quality. The quality of the product can easily be evaluated after over viewing of the detailed requirements (Kleyner, Elmore, & Boukai, 2015).
Role of service recovery in the service encounters design
The service recovery plays an essential role in the service encounter design. The main purpose of the service recovery is to satisfy the customers by providing on time recovery services. Recovery of the services has a positive impact on the loyalty of customers and it also helps in the future profitability (Haenlein & Kaplan, 2012).
Importance of product life cycle to operations manager
The operations managers provide a deep focus on the life cycle of the product. The operations managers are involved in the release of the new products. The product life cycle helps the operations manager in making the different strategic goals. It helps the managers to evaluate the success of the product and they can easily evaluate the rise and fall stages of the product (Papetti, Germani, & Mandolini, 2013).
Influence of satisfiers and dissatisfiers on the level of satisfaction
The satisfiers have a positive influence whereas the dissatisfiers have a negative influence on the level of satisfaction which is experienced by a customer. The satisfiers are the most loyal to the company or a product and they always prefer the particular brand whereas the dissatisfiers do not want to purchase the brand from which they do not like or dissatisfy after using the product.
Importance of core competencies in strategic planning
The core competencies are very crucial in the strategic planning. When the goals of the company are clear, it will help the company to make the strategic planning. The core competencies also help with the access to different markets. It helps the organizations in creating the value in the market.
Figure 1: Five stages of the value chain
Source: (Nagachevska, 2015)
Principles of lean operating system help to increase profits
The principles of the lean operating system are very effective in the organizations and help to improve the performance of the company. The organizations that follow the lean operating system will get the benefit of resolving the problems. It is very effective in the success of the organization. It helps the company is providing the quality and reliability. The company can get higher profits after using the lean operating system (Dolgopyatova & Khomyakova, 2016).
Benefits of offshoring to the operations
It helps the organizations in the close collaboration.
Offshoring helps to provide the favorable government policies.
Another important benefit of offshoring is the economies of scale.
It also helps in reducing the cost of operations.
Physical goods and service within the value chain integration
In the complex value chain, the physical goods and services are very typical to manage. The value chain integration helps to manage the physical goods and services. It is essential that the availability of the physical goods and services are at the right place and at the right cost, at the right time (Buchan, 2014).
Safety as a key performance measure
Safety in the organizations helps to evaluate the performance of the company. If the company is more conscious about the safety, the performance of that company will be higher. If the employees feel safety, they will perform better in the company and becomes loyal to the company so that the company can get the enhanced performance.
If the company produces the best products in the market so that company will become an effective productivity. The effectiveness of the company helps in enhancing the production capability of the company. If the company is effective in the production, the company can produce the products having the highest quality.
Information overload
Every company uses the technology in order to become competitive, but the major issue with the technology is the information overload which is very difficult to manage. The operation managers cannot control the huge amount of information and it also slows down the performance of the technology. It is a big challenge for the organization to challenge the huge information (Liu & Deng, 2015).
Five questions to consider when undertaking a design of the workplace
What will be the design features of the workplace that must consider?
What will be the essential needs of the workforce?
Does the culture of the company reveals from the design of the workplace?
Does the design of the workplace help to attract the efficient candidates?
Does the workplace design help in making the healthy workplace?
Team materials handling
The team material handling includes the protection and movement of materials in the warehousing, consumption, manufacturing, and distribution.
Importance in facilities design
The team material handling helps to improve the customer services, reduce the delivery time and reduce the cost of manufacturing. It also helps in the reduction of inventory and reduces the transportation cost of the company.
Importance of factors in the supply chain
It includes the suppliers, facilities of manufacturing, warehouse, and customers. The company can use the GPS or a zip code in order to identify the locations.
In order to transfer the material from one place to another, transportation plays a vital role. It is an essential factor in the supply chain.
Inventory management
Identification of inventory is very important in the supply chain process. The company stores the inventory in the warehouses.
Customer relationship management helps to build customer loyalty
CRM makes the customer care an essential part of the strategy of the business. It helps to encourage the customers of the company by delivering the best quality customer care. It provides different ways in order to make the life easy for the customers. CRM provides different facilities to the customers in order to get feedback from them (Woodcock, Green, & Starkey, 2011).
Three main objectives of staff scheduling
The staff scheduling helps to manage the workload of the employees. By managing the workload, the employees can easily perform their tasks effectively.
Staff scheduling is essential for managing the compensation. It helps to identify the working hours of employees and the employees are compensated on the basis of their working hours.
Staff scheduling also helps to monitor the performance and productivity.
Disaggregation in the manufacturing environment
The manufacturing management used different new concepts which include just in time manufacturing, total quality management, manufacturing strategy, mass customization and flexible manufacturing systems. All of these manufacturing systems are combined in the manufacturing environment. The manufacturing field is expanded due to the globalization.
Benefits achieved by organization after investing in quality
The company can get the most efficient staff after investing in the quality. It helps the company to achieve higher productivity and reduce the rework cost for the company.
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