Wisdom has few close, but different definitions. We can say that wisdom is the property of the human mind to characterize the degree of development of knowledge and experience of the subconscious, and expressed in the ability of the appropriateness of their use in society, taking into account the specific situation. In philosophy, this is one of the gauges the degree of knowledge of the world, most discussed, usually in the context of the desire to deepen this knowledge as a specific property of the human intellect. In the religions is the degree of knowledge of the world, this demiurge at least inexhaustible, and can be perceived by people in some parts. In this paper we will consider my own opinion about wisdom and the concept of wisdom written by Socrates.
My Wisdom
We call that a wise person who has received a lot of knowledge and understanding of the truth about life and the world around us. But all these truths and knowledge not just lie in his head dead weight. The truly wise person is able to apply the knowledge in their own lives. And he is willing to share them with others. After all, other people also need the knowledge to become a smarter and happier.
Sage knows how to talk about important things such feeling as if touching the very soul of the interlocutor. However, he said not all in a row, and for those who really want it.
A man's wisdom is his mind, his erudition, restraint, tact. As is the ability to help others, the ability to make the right decisions to get out of a difficult situation. And also to take responsibility when it's needed.
People always seek to attain the wisdom of using the teachers and thinkers. To do this, they train your mind and intuition. They read the wise books, watching other people and nature, engaged in reflections or meditation.
Wisdom is as precious stones to humans. But it is still worth more than diamonds and other treasures. Small wonder that in the biblical parable of King Solomon asked God is wisdom, not wealth or something else.
Socrates Wisdom
How Socrates understands the concept of "wisdom", "wise man"? Apparently, understanding Socrates coincides with the modern household understanding of this concept. This is practical wisdom, wisdom as knowledge to make the right decisions in everyday life. We call a man a wise man, which are ready to go for advice, whose opinions are willing to trust. On the basis of the thoughts that are ready to make their own decisions. We can say that the wise man - a professional, competent people. However, not all of the issues we are going to one person. Questions are different. Globally can be divided questions arise in our lives into three areas. Let's call them: domestic, social and spiritual. For domestic issues include questions such as "How to store grain, that it is not spoiled?", "What to build a house, so it does not collapse?", "What is the amount of money put in the bank to the deposit interest enough for utility bills?" . People whose opinions we trust in these matters, Socrates calls artisans. The issues of social concern such questions as "How should society punish criminals?", "How do we, as a society need to interact with a neighboring group of people?", "How to make decisions that affect everyone if consensus is not reached?". A spiritual questions - these are questions about values in life, what is love, what we live for, what kind of feelings we experience, which ones are worthy and which are not. People whose opinions we listen to such matters Socrates calls poets. Trying to find a wise man, Socrates turns bypasses statesmen, poets and craftsmen. Each of those to whom comes Socrates is indeed a professional in your field. People really come to him for advice and get it. Therefore, the surrounding and call them wise. But Socrates was disappointed in them. Socrates in wisdom there is a second, no less important side. In addition to expertise in their field fundamentally understanding of the limits of their competence, a sober assessment of their areas of "wisdom." After all, what we call the "unwise", "stupid"? The person who makes the opposite judgments about things that does not understand, which is not competent. And each of those to whom comes Socrates, these sins. Yes, artisan knows how to bake the pots in this he is a professional. But as soon as he starts to talk about something else, he immediately shows his "foolish things". The problem is also not only within the scope of their competence, but also in depth. Statesmen, in particular, Socrates accuses that they are not willing to admit that, in fact, understand what they do not understand perfectly. A wise man - this is not just someone who speaks to those and only those matters in which understands, soberly assessing the degree of professionalism. It is also a man whose opinions has been recognized, are the result of thought, and can be justified and explained, if necessary. These three attributes together constitute Socrates notion of "wise man." And his phrase, "I know that I know nothing" should be understood that way, it is not a professional in anything, he cannot give people professional advice in any area, but it is soberly aware of it, does not make judgments about what does not understand, and therefore meets the definition of "wise." It should be noted that the approach to the wisdom of Socrates is very practical. If a wise man to understand exactly real adviser, we just need to ask him competence in those matters in which he advises (as a consequence, it should not advise on other issues), as well as awareness of their judgments, so that we can understand if you want to why this or that his opinion is correct.
At the heart of Socratic philosophizing are questions about the moral virtues, moral qualities of a person. In essence the teachings of Socrates - a philosophy of morals, ethics.
Ethically oriented and his theory of knowledge, epistemology. Moral and ethical sense of the human search for truth and the acquisition of knowledge is predetermined by the fact that the sources of knowledge, and morality back, according to Socrates, the gods. Measure of human virtue is a measure of his initiation to the divine wisdom, and the process of learning takes on the character of moral action, moral act. Socrates designated path of knowledge is his school of virtue.
True knowledge - knowledge by means of concepts - is available on the Socratic concept, just a little, sages, philosophers. But it is not available all the wisdom, but only a small part of it. Wisdom is knowledge, but a person can not know everything. " The man - Socrates said - it is impossible to be wise in all things. Therefore, who knows that he is wise. "But this human wisdom, according to Socrates, is worth little in comparison with divine wisdom. And it does not mean much in this respect ordinary, unenlightened mind. " Personally, he - wrote Xenophon Socrates - all human considerations put in anything before determination of the gods."
Socratic position of the wisdom of a man of knowledge boundaries of their knowledge and ignorance - "I know that I know nothing" - just captures the attitude of human knowledge to the divine mind. This position was as if the two faces: pejoratively-modest - in his address to the divine knowledge, critical-ironic - to human knowledge. Philosopher stands between God and man, wisdom and ignorance. Already Pythagoras, who in this case, Socrates called himself a philosopher, not a wise man, wise as a god, but not a man. Philosophy as the love of wisdom in the interpretation of Socrates appears as the love of the divine wisdom. That explains why Socrates never missed an opportunity to certify their philosophizing as feasible service to the gods.
Knowledge of the divine, and it alone elevates man and likens it to the gods. Most people believed Socrates avoids knowledge and guided random drives and volatile emotions. "Most, - he said, - believes that knowledge has no power and can not lead, and as chief: because some (people) and not think about it. Despite the fact that a person is often inherent in knowledge, they believe that no knowledge of the rules, and something else: sometimes passion, sometimes fun, sometimes sorrow, sometimes love, and more - fear. On knowing they think just like a slave: one drags him to his side "(Plato. Protagoras, 352 BC).
In contrast to the majority of Socrates defended the principle of universal domination of the mind - in nature, in the individual and in human society as a whole. In nature, this is manifested as harmony and expediency in the universe; in the individual as a rational soul domination over the natural and unreasonable body; in society - as the rule of reasonable laws and regulations, as the board know. Ignoring this, the deviation from the correct path is, according to Socrates, the result of ignorance.
However, the gods in the concept of Socrates are the source of all knowledge, but in the process of rationalizing the Socratic substantially changing the very status of gods of mythological creatures in many respects they are transformed into the category of philosophy and theory of knowledge. But such philosophical rationalization of the gods in the then under the rule of mythological ideas was bound to be superficial and limited: the philosophy of long co-existed with the myth, using his arsenal, streamlining and modifying its presentation. You could even say that a long time ancient philosophy was a kind of rationalistic stylized mythology. This was clearly evidenced by the views not only of Socrates and his philosophical predecessors, but also the position of the his famous disciple, Plato, in whose works the further rationalization of the myth is accompanied by a philosophical myth-making,
True knowledge, according to Socrates, comes from God and leads to it. These are the conditions and limits of the possible and permissible autonomy of human cognition.
Works Cited
Turnbill, S (12 August 2011). "Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and craftsmanship".
"Socrates". 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1911. Retrieved 2012-09-13.