The computing world offers a variety of web technologies that help in developing web applications with defined sets of objects, classes, properties, and methods. These properties are available in three types of languages, the markup, the style sheet, and the programming languages. Web technology also offers an interface that ensures effective communication and sharing of information between web server and clients. Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) forms the main language used in the web technology for sharing web information. The main purpose of HTML is the creation of web pages. HTML occurs in different formats depending on the time of innovation. HTML 5 is the fifth revision of web technology markup language that structures and presents contents for the World Wide Web (WWW). Opera Software innovated HTML and later versions (Sharma, Bhardwaj, & Bhardwaj 1430). There are observable differences between HTML and HTML 5 as discussed in the paper.
HTML’s DOCTYPE is based in SGML hence making it much longer compared to HTML 5 DOCTYPE that enables standards mode for documents. HTML 5 DOCTYPE is short and more usable in information sharing. Secondly, HTML does not contain audio and video elements because they do not form part of its specifications while audio and video forms the integral part of HTML 5. On the other hand, individuals using the basic HTML find challenges getting the true GeoLocatio of users browsing from different websites, especially those using personal phones. HTML 5 contains JS GeoLocation API that assists in locating places where different users browse at any time (Sharma, Bhardwaj, & Bhardwaj 1431). The following element of HTML 5 helps users to identify different location where other people tried to log into their accounts.
Another feature that differentiates HTML from HTML 5 is vector graphics. Vector graphics is only present in HTML with the aid of other technologies like Flash, Silverlight, and VML. In HTML 5, Vector graphics form an integral part of the markup language and is represented in the form of SVG and canvas. The fifth observable different between the two versions of HTML occurs on the availability of Web Sockets. HTML does not have Web Sockets but rather use long streaming and polling mechanisms. On the other hand, HTML 5 contains Web Sockets that allow servers to establish full duplex communication channels. Web Sockets can be accessed using JavaScript interface available in the fifth version of HTML. HTML specifies all its functions in laying out images on a page and provides semantic data that promotes automation of HTML documents. HTML 5 works on a totally different web platform with an additional application for audio and video playback and data storage in both online and offline mode (Sharma, Bhardwaj, & Bhardwaj 1431).
HTML and HTML 5 also have other differences in terms browser compatibility. HTML does not allow JavaScript to run in its browser while in HTML 5 JavaScript runs in the background made possible by the availability of JS Web worker. Finally, HTML is compatible with all old browsers like the Internet Explorer. HTML only works in modern browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera and many others.
The above differences show that HTML 5 is a modern markup web technology that uses modern technologies. Computers using modern operating systems find it hard using the older version of HTML because its graphics is not supported by modern browsers. Web developers are still in the process of upgrading HTML5; hence changes are highly expected in the near future (Jianming 1).
Works cited
Jianming. "Introduction to HTML5." Mozilla Developer Network. 30 Aug. 2014. Web. 3 Nov.
Sharma, T.N., Bhardwaj, Priyanka. & Bhardwaj, Manish. “Differences between HTML and
HTML 5.” International Journal of Computation Engineering Research (ijceronline) 2.5. (2012): 1430-1437.