Same sex marriages, which are also referred to as gay marriages, have been among the most significant subjects, heavily debated by the communities all over the world. It is now a fashion to believe gay marriages to be a norm of life. Some people also believe, that gay marriages and their legalization is a step towards mariage equality, as this new aspect of human rights is currently referred to (Merevick, ND). But does it really have to do with human rights? This issue is being discussed by experts on human rights, such as Human Rights Commission in New Zealand (HRC, ND). And it is considered to be a sign of narrow-mindedness to think differently.
This paper is aimed at proving different point of view. Gay marriages should not be considered as mariages and should not be legalized. Here are a few arguments to support this statement.
In many countries of the world governments are forced to recognize gay marriages to be normal social institutions and register them (Mulholland, ND). But it is very wrong. Marriage is a union of a man and woman by definition. And such need to be adult. There were the times, when marying yung girls was considered to be the norm of life. So, following the logics of human rights movement, it would be reasonable to allow pedophiles and zoophiles marry their beloved. It is obviously absurd.
Gays offend god and nature by their relations, since when they enjoy the bodies of each other and neglect the oposite sex, they misuse their reproductive organs, given to them by not for fu purposes only, but for the sake of producing new people. And many of the religious organizations recognize it, and protest by means of ignoring such couples. They refuse to recognize their unions (Hagerty, ND). They refuse to provide respective services. And this is absolutely right, since gay unions are not families by nature or by definition. The majority of books on sociology agre on that (Collins. P. 348).
Another very important argument is that the main function of a family, recognized both by the society and by religion, is raising and educating children, showing the examples and patterns of behavior, which are followed by children (Biblarz, ND). A gay couple is unable to produce children, they can only adopt children of other people. Should they be allowed to? Definitely not. Children, available for adoption, are, as a rule, the children, who suffered significant psychological stress. They require rehabilitation, as a minimum, a very stable family to grow in. In a gay family they will both see a pattern of relations, which hardly needs to be followed. On the other hand, they will get more socialization problems, among other children at school.
Besides, gay marriages contribute into gender inequality. Such unions influence the natural balance of genders, because both partners are do not participate in natural process of developing children.
There are some scholars, among whom there is much of the psychologists, who believe and argue, that gay parents do not have poor influence upon the psychological state of children adopted by them, but it is not true. Among those, who oppose this point of view there is Blankenhorn (ND), who openly expres his point of view on gay marriage as something having got very little, if any, to do with the family. This scholar write, that family is not a union of people, who want to live together or to have sex, it is a social authorized union of people, who are, thus, blessed by the people and god to have children. There are differences in how the family is looked at in different countries, but one thing they have in common. It is that it is union for man and woman and this union is supposed to have children. Gay marriage is not something, that meets this criteria, and this is why it cannot be seriously considered as a marriage union.
This all mean that gay marriage, also known as same sex marriages, do not have to be legalized, their legalization will only make additional problems. The legalization of same sex marriages will not influence the relations between partners. So, if two men or two women see not other choice but to have sex with each other and to live together, nobody stand on their way. The majority of people will nderstand, but no need to legalize their marriages. It is same as if blind people were given drivers licenses simply because they have equal rights to drive. The society should be tolerant, but not absurd. Human rights movement is a good thing, but we need to stay reasonable, otherwise our whole society will have serious problems very soon. It is not OK for the blind to drive, at least on this stage of technological progress, it is not OK for the gay couples to marry. This is unacceptable from both religious and social point of view. They are simply not in the context of marrying, this not apply to them.
It is obvious that legalizing gay marriages will have harmful consequences on social welfare, biological family as well as children rights (Hagerty, ND). As stated earlier, many religious organizations believe that children thrive better in when brought up in a normal family consisiting of a father and a mother, thus legalizing same sex marriage will be acting in contradiction of the best interests for children (Biblarz, ND). It has also been a matter of controversy since it is eminent that when same sex marriage are legalized, this is likely to lead to the legalization of other socially unacceptable practices such as incest as well as polygamy.
Religious concerns also make same sex marriages unacceptable. The bible terms same sex marriages as sinful as well as extremely dangerous to the society as it is to the individuals involved in it. It is totally correct to reject same ex marriages since the purpose of marriage is to reproduce and these couples obviously cant (Hagerty, ND). This goes against the bible as well as social values since both the two advocate for reproduction of children to fill the world. If we legalize these same sex marriages we will be indirectly supporting the extinction of the human race since there will be no meaningful reproduction going on. This is because the couples will be busy engaging in these unproductive and sinful acts. Even though the society should be tolerant with the already existing cases of gay relationships and marriages, this should not be encouraged by any means and if possible, such unions should be kept away from the public eye so as not to negatively influence other members of the society, both young and old.
Works Cited
Biblarz, Timothy J.; Stacey, Judith. "How Does the Gender of Parents Matter?". Journal of Marriage and Family. 72 (1). February 2010. Retrieved from
Blankenhorn, David. "Protecting marriage to protect children". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from
Collins, Donald; Jordan, Catheleen; Coleman Heather. "An Introduction to Family Social Work". 2009
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Hagerty, Barbara Bradley. "Gay Rights, Religious Liberties: A Three-Act Story". NPR. June 16, 2008. Retrieved from
Merevick, Tony. "Vote on Illinois marriage equality bill coming in January". Chicago Phoenix. 13 December 2012. Retrieved from
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