Arguably, in the 21st century a lot of changes has taken place, whereby controversial issues develop each an every day. Many, people may argue that the changes taking place could be as a result of technology, degradation of moral values, or lack of norms in society, others, on the other hand, may assert that the changes are inevitable, and nature is just taking its course. Undeniably, the debate on gay marriages has become a contentious and prominent issue in the world. In this case, view differs on whether to legalize or illegalize the issue. The religious groups have held their positions firmly, claiming that the practice should not take place, yet other are for the practice. The main idea of gay marriage is that it is allowing two men to enter into marriage institution, of which it has led to drastic reactions and emotions from political leaders, activist, public, as well as the religious groups. Basically, the religious have their stand point on the issue, but the practice should be allowed.
The religious point of view is based on religious documentation and literature. The Christians place their main perspective on the teachings of the bible, which is the word that was inspired by God. Religious groups base its argument on standard ethics that are guided by divine revelation, rather than public opinions and statistic al research. As a matter of fact, those who bring up the argument on gay marriages come from the religious community and gay community (Michaelson 16). The religious groups, especially, the Christians have always advocated for the Illegalization of gay marriages. Christians assert that the institution of marriage was in introduced and blessed by God. In that, marriage should take place between the opposite sexes. Therefore, in most cases religious groups who are against gay marriage believe that it is a sin to legalize the practice of gay marriage. Perhaps, most arguments on religious background are never intensive, since what the scriptures say is final and is never subjected to discussion (Snyder 7)
Illegalizing gay marriages based on religious scripture is invalid and unfair. This is because there are many people in the world who do not abide by the scriptures used. According to some religious groups, God asserted that homosexual would not inherit Gods kingdom. Religious groups believe that marriage is very important only if its main objective is to procreate. Gay marriage does not lead to progression; hence, their stand remains on the opposition of gay marriages. Additionally, they assert that gay marriage will ruin the goals and objectives of marriage. This is actually irrelevant when the argument is based on analyzed data. Studies show that there is a decrease in marriages, increase in divorce cases, as well as increase in world population. In this case, it is evident that there are equal problems on heterosexual marriage as compared to gay marriages. Generally, most of the religious groups are against gay marriages and have always based their and point on religious doctrines (Strasser 17).
Gay rights activists have strongly intensify efforts to advocate for the legalization of gay marriages regardless of religious stand point on the issue. In fact, most groups that have opposed gay marriages are the religious groups and social conservatives. Arguably, gay marriages showed be allowed because they deserve and need the same practical and symbolic benefits as the heterosexual couples. Gay marriages should continue because it is unmerited and uncivilized. Actually, when religious issues are used to oppose gay marriages, it seems unfair to those who are not religious. In fact, the religious standpoint on gay marriages violates the constitutional right and liberty. The civil liberties of gay marriage are to pursue happiness just like heterosexuals, a situation that is not to gay marriage (Michaelson 20)
Based on religious and traditional definition of marriage, both male and female should undertake the institution of marriage. This implies that, on religious background, the institution of marriage between a woman and a man is probably of the same age with the book of Genesis. The complexity of defining marriage is becoming too debatable by those who are for, and those who oppose gay marriages (Strasser 29). The definition of marriage changes through the years, but the religious definition remains stagnant.
Conversably, the religious groups place its stand and arguments against gay marriages on child rearing and development. If an individual of the same sex raises a child, the child does not grow normally. This is because children require a father and a mother. For example, children raised within gay marriages are exposed to high risk of teenage pregnancy and sexual activity. Children in contemporary society grow differently regardless of their family background. The society and technological advancement have become the most influential socializing agent. Therefore, the religious stand on gay marriage remains to be opposing, but the changes still take place.
In some countries, the constitution has been amended to protect the rights of those who have non religiously affiliated and those who are religious. This implies that, the constitution protects gay marriages because those who practice it claim to be non-followers of religious doctrines. The legislatures and the presidents cannot be discriminative in their policymaking, especially on the minority groups, which include homosexuals (Snyder 12). Hence, despite the religious stand point on the issues, it will still continue to be practiced in society. The constitution is there to serve all people regardless of class, religion, gender, of political status.
The important factor in marriage is love. On religious grounds, it is love that brings two people together to institute marriage. Therefore, there argue that gay marriage is based on love and affection just like other forms of marriage. Opposing gay marriages will, therefore, lead to stigmatization of gay families. In life, everyone has been given the option to make decisions. Therefore, those who chose to be part of gay marriages decide on their free will. In fact, religions doctrines give an individual the free will to choose.
Legalization of gay marriages in society will not damage heterosexual marriages. This is because the family issues stated in heterosexual families will remain intact. This is one of the reasons why, religion opposes it, but, the practice will still take place. Moreover, the complexity of the debate heightens on issues of care and rights (Michaelson 24). Certainly, religious doctrines advocate for community care and support. Hence, those in support of gay marriages argue that legalization of gay marriages will allow the gay families to visit their partners in case of sickness. Generally, they are advocating for equal benefits and rights just like those in heterosexual marriages.
Some religious groups have ascertained the importance of marriage to procreation. This is actually serious reasons as per religious beliefs. Then if this is actually followed then it means that those who are infertile in a heterosexual marriage should not be allowed to marry. It is a fact that gay marriages will not procreate as in the religions scripture, but this does not deny them their right to marriage (Strasser 34). It is also crucial to mention other strong supportive reasons against gay marriages. . Marriage in society is already under threat; hence, legalizing gay marriage will expose the institution of marriage to more risks. In fact, it will weaken the remaining issues that marriage institutions depend on. The society is always against the use of the taxpayer’s money in supporting gay marriages, which they view as been wrong. This is because legalizing of gay marriage will entitle gay couples security payments, tax exceptions, as well as the insurance policy.
The religious stand on gay marriages will always be the most realistic rationale in the opposition of gay marriages. Many individuals believe that religion is optional, and pen tails personal decision. For example, some Americans believe that arguments against gay marriages are moral ethics of Judeo-Christian. The absence of argumentative views in religious groups on gay marriages makes it ultimate that it should be eliminated. But, despite such a stand point gay marriage should be allowed. Generally, individuals have the power to choose what is right or wrong; therefore, decisions to be a homosexual is personal. The constitution and political leadership still play a tremendous role in ensuring that gay marriages should continue. For example, recently the President of United States supports gay and lesbian marriage rights. For many years, the issues ha brought a lot of controversial debates, of which non of it will end any soon. Above all the religious beliefs and doctrines remain strong on opposing the legalization and practicing of gay marriage.
Work cited
Michaelson, J. God Vs Gay?: The Religious Case for Equality. New York: Springer, 2011 1-30
Snyder, R. Gay Marriage and Democracy: Equality for All. Maryland: Rowman, 2006
Strasser, M. Religion, Education and the State: An Unprincipled Doctrine in Search of
Moorings. Burlington: Ashgate Press, 2011