As mentioned in the movie "Helvetica," typography is a "tool for creating order" (Hustwit). There is a vast choice of fonts one can use for specific purposes: there are fonts designed for business communication and others for a light message, ones looking grave and strict and others looking fanciful and funny. Each font has its peculiarities which help one express their feelings or forward the implied message with the best understanding of the reader. Some fonts make the reader alert by their briskness and lack of fancy features while others arouse the readers' good disposition by looking mild and dreamlike. The text itself does not do the entire job - it is immensely assisted by the font used for it. The font determines how the intended message will be portrayed and received. Many publishers, both print and digital, use Georgia font in most cases because of its clarity and appeal.
Reasons Georgia Font is Nice
Georgia, a beautiful serif font, stands out for its clarity, legibility, and solidity. Despite it being a traditional font, it does not involve conjoined letters and boosts the clarity of the text. Further, it lacks the fantasy and monospaces associated with most serif fonts, but this does not limit its appeal to the human eye. Georgia font incorporates embellishments at the end of the letter strokes which give it an aesthetic feel that is absent in many san serif fonts. These decorative details, while improving the visual appeal of the text, they keep it simple and readable. The fanciness and exuberance associated with Georgia font increase its reading legibility and at the same time create a better visual distinction for the readers.
The symbols of Georgia font are clear and straightforward, and the text looks substantial and strict. Still, the serif adds some romanticism and give a touch of passion. When turned into italics, Georgia suggests some lightness of thought and looks soft and delicate. Additionally, Georgia exhibits a significant difference between the regular and bold weights due to the high contrast provided for the two font weights (Alviani 16). When turned into bold type, it looks almost as moonscape and presupposes some very solid reading. Watching the text in this bold font gives one the overwhelming feelings of confidence and serenity. The peace of mind presupposed by Georgia easily brings one back to their childhood and paints a picture of some quiet meadow, bright sunshine and children playing in the green grass. Alternatively, it could be another picture - of a winter morning, with dazzling snow and children sledding and making snowmen and having lots of charming childish fun.
Furthermore, due to its traditional nature, Georgia brings about a set of feelings connected with history. Looking at text written in Georgia font creates an urge to imagine notable past events, such as some significant historical figure sitting in his study, reading some map and deciding on a major movement which would change the course of the history of his nation and maybe even of the entire human race. It encourages the feel that writing not only came a long way but is also impactful.
Where to Apply Georgia Font
Some of the areas that Georgia font would have a great impact in include books for children, traditional newspapers or journals, titles of traditional shops or cafés, and websites. Georgia font would be the best choice for books for children not only because it is exceptionally clear and legible but also because it provides a romantic and adventurous feel. Such qualities would make a young reader open the book and crave to absorb the story to the end, and even reread it from time to time as they savor its fancy and beauty.
Further, Georgia font would apply exceptionally well if incorporated more on websites. Although fonts like Helvetica and Arial are the most commonly used by a significant number of websites, they are less readable for paragraphs of text. While some informed users have reasons to use them, most users do so mainly because they are the default font for most browsers. On the other hand, Bologna states that websites that prefer serifs despise times new roman (50). However, Georgia appears perfectly fine on screens. It is not just beautiful but also perfectly readable in paragraphs of text. Moreover, more about 99% Windows machines and 97% Macs have it (Bologna 51).
Whatever message a person intends to send, it will look much better with a correctly chosen font with suitable typographical features. One should never underestimate the meaning of the font with its specific elements. It is a whole story, a great set of tools engraving the words into a fanciful picture, inviting the reader into the world of a printed word. While different fonts work better for different contexts, the Georgia serif font works best in most of these cases.
Works cited
Alviani, Carl. "You Are Your Font." Entrepreneur 44.6 (2016): 16-17. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 May 2016.
Bologna, Matteo. "Escape of the Ordinary One Typeface at a Time." Print 69.1 (2015): 48-53. Business Source Complete. Web. 12 May 2016.
Hustwit, Gary. "Helvetica." Online movie. YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan. 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.