The estimated population of Florida
The state of Florida has an estimated population of 19,317,568 residents according to the 2011 census. It has a surface area of 65,755 square miles that equates to 353.4 people per square kilometer. It emerges the most densely populated state in America. The highest population in Florida is attributed to net migration from within America as well as from overseas. It is also evident from the researched records that Florida has quite a high number of illegal aliens that amount to 5.7% making it the sixth largest in the United States. The large numbers of people in Florida are Hispanic whites at 57.9% and African Americans follow in second place at 16% (Hoefer 5).
The median household income of Florida
According to the US Census Bureau, the median generally provides a better representation that is more accurate. Median income is basically that amount that divides the income distribution equally into two groups. One group has half an income above the median and the other half has a median income that is lower than the average. Median household income is seen to vary with geography, race and the size of the household. In Florida the median household income is $47, 827 according to the 2011 census conducted by the Census Bureau. Ethnicity has played a big role in determining income quintiles and the median income in general. White Americans are seen to lead owning the top five households as other ethnic groups follow. Concurrently, as educational attainment increases in Florida, household income and per capita also income rises significantly. From the analysis, it is coherent to posit that income inequality is the biggest determinant of median household income in Florida.
What percent of the people in Florida State are under 18 years old?
The most basic way to understand population change over a given span of time is focused on age and sex. As of the 2011 census, the total population in the United States was 281,421,906 people according to the census bureau. The percentage of persons under 18 years of age in Florida State according to the last census is 21.0%, 4,002,091 in figures. There are more males than females in Florida; this fast growth rate in the male population indicates a notable increase in sex ratios for persons less than 18 years old. Apparently, this ratio gradually increases with the growing population (Passel 55).
How statistics affect state policies and procedures in Florida
Micro data files are actually available for purchase by the public, these files however make it possible for tabulation of identifying estimates by Census Divisions that are normally nine. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allows the Census Bureau to freely provide data to the public and also funds characteristics of the housing department. There are annual micro data files that contain information on all Survey of Construction (SOC) with sampled sold, and/or completed during the year and single-family houses that are started. SOC as a national sample survey that permits survey of new houses in areas where permits are not necessarily required. These documents are attained from the census board and are critically followed by the guidelines.
Community Association (ASSOC) is formal legal entities that are formed to enforce private deed restrictions and maintain common areas of a development. They are active bodies whose powers and obligations are derived from the information in the census report. There is also an Age-Restricted body that indicates whether houses built are in an age-restricted development.
Works Cited
Hoefer, Michael, Nancy Rytina, and Bryan Baker. "Estimates of the unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States: January 2011." Population Estimates, Office of Immigration Statistics, Department of Homeland Security (2012): 5.
Passel, Jeffrey S., and Senior Writer D'Vera Cohn. Unauthorized immigrant population: National and state trends, 2010. Washington, DC: Pew Hispanic Center, 2011.