Key concepts of a Gluten-free diet
The word gluten refers to the general term that describes the storage of proteins, or prolamins, that is found in wheat or “gliadin”, rye, barley and other derivatives that comes from these types of grains. The “gliadin” is that kind of protein that is involved in the pathophysiology of celiac disease (Guandalini 3).
The people who are suffering from celiac diseases are prohibited to eat foods that contain gluten. The effect of gluten when eaten by people with celiac diseases is that their immune system of responds by damaging the small intestine. The lining in the small intestines called the “villi” can be damaged by any food that has gluten.
The strict adherence to gluten-free diet can stop the symptoms of bloating, weight loss, diarrhea, over fatigue, delayed growing process of children and in the healing process. Studies show that celiac diseases is common among children (Guandalini 3).
The gluten-free diet was discovered by Dicke during the Second World War when there was shortage of bread. He made observations that led to a gluten-free diet among children (Guandalini 3). He made a thesis statement which was entitled treatment with wheat-free diet.
A person who is on a gluten-free diet should avoid eating bread and pasta to avoid storing gluten in the body. It is important to write down all foods that are gluten-free. There are some restaurants that provide a menu with gluten-free dishes. It is best to avoid restaurants that serve fresh breads or pizza. The ingredients to be avoided are wheat, rye and barley.
The gluten-free diet is not expensive and can be found in the pantry such as raisins, apples, , fruits, nuts and rice cakes.
It is not expensive to buy gluten-free foods since there are natural gluten-free foods that can be easily found at home. Although there are expensive store-bought gluten-free snacks, there are items that can be found in the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator that are gluten-free that have no additives such as fresh fruits, fresh meat such as chicken, turkey, beef, pork, seafood and fish. Gluten-free foods include eggs, milk, cream, margarine and butter, beans, corn, nuts, seeds oils, brown rice, white rice, wild rice, honey, molasses, sugar, herbs and spices.
Claims and Results of a Gluten-Free Diet (GFD)
According to Samasca (2014), the dietary strategies with regard to gluten-free diet (GFD) have affected the quality of life of patients with celiac diseases. The recent reports showed that there are clinical effects of GFD based on gluten toxicity. The records show that GFD has positive effects on some of the patients with celiac disease due to the increase in the body mass index and higher energy intakes (Samasca, 2014). Although, adhering to a GFD is difficult for many people, it bears a positive end result since it moderates the risk of the associated complications such as reducing adiposity gain (Samasca, 2014).
Sample of Gluten-Free Diet
For Breakfast
Gluten-free soft taco, one (1) piece fresh orange fruit (medium), one (1) cup of skimmed milk
Morning Snack
one (1) cup watermelon
one (1) cup tossed fresh green salad, one (1) tablespoon apple cider vinegar & olive oil and balsamic salad dressing, two (2) diced tomatoes with pesto sauce, one (1) cup skimmed milk and four (4) ounces diced boiled chicken breast with no skin
Afternoon Snack
four (4) ounces fresh boiled asparagus
one (1) cup sizzling beef tenderloin, one half (1/2) cup cooked red rice, one (1) medium grapefruit and one half (1/2) cup steamed green string beans
I believe that this diet will work since gluten-containing foods, such as rye, barley and wheat that is widely used in the production of processed and prepackaged foods will be avoided (Zarkadas, Dubois, Macisaac, Cantin, et al., 2013) The small intestine in the body can be damaged with the intake of foods rich in gluten such as baked goods, pastas, breakfast cereals, soups, sauces, snacks and processed meats. Thus, avoiding the wide range of foods that are rich in gluten will be good for the body.
Based on the findings of the study of Zarkadas et al. (2013), the strict adherence to a gluten-free diet has been identified as the best and only treatment for patients with coeliac disease. The results show that the gluten-free diet is complex and costly, but bears positive impacts on the activities that involve food, which in effect make it difficult to maintain for a lifetime (Zarkadas et al., 2013).
I will advice my friend who wants to try the gluten-free diet since it is inexpensive and most of the ingredients can be found in the kitchen such as fresh fruits, fresh meat such as chicken, turkey, beef, pork, seafood and fish. There is no need to spend money to buy gluten-free snacks since natural foods that do not contain gluten include eggs, milk, cream, margarine and butter, beans, corn, nuts, seeds oils, brown rice, white rice, wild rice, honey, molasses, sugar, herbs and spices. Although GFD is not costly, it is difficult to maintain for a lifetime (Zarkadas et al., 2013).
Guandalini, S., Field, L. &, Shilson, C. (2011). Jump Start Your Gluten-Free Diet! Living with
Celiac / Coeliac Disease & Gluten Intolerance. Chicago: University of Chicago.
Samasca, G., Sur, G., Lupan, I., & Deleanu, D. (2014). Gluten-free diet and quality of life in
celiac disease. Gastroenterology & Hepatology From Bed To Bench, 7(3), 139-143.
Zarkadas, M., Dubois, S., Macisaac, K., Cantin, I., Rashid, M., Roberts, K. C., & Pulido, O.
M. (2013). Living with coeliac disease and a gluten-free diet: a Canadian
perspective. Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics, 26(1), 10-23.