The gonorrhea teaching plan is composed to assist the instructor concerning the objectives intended to be achieved by the instructor. In this case, an instructor can relate the information to be provided to the learner in the context of the objectives, to achieve the intended outcomes. A teaching plan will also assist the learner to keep in perspective the learning content and able to create relationships in the information presented. This approach will enhance the learner’s understanding and in the end, achieve the instructor’s primary objective, which is to gain comprehension of the course material and facilitate practical incorporation of the lessons learned.
According to Peate (2005), the increasing incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) is associated with the youth between the ages 15 and 24 years old. Due to the devastating effects, STIs normally have adverse health consequences on women than compared to men in the long term, unless such ailments are diagnosed early and treatment (Satterwhite et al., 2013). Peate (2005) indicates that approximately 24,000 women become infertile every year as a result of late STI treatment.
Therefore, this teaching plan is compiled with the goal of providing essential information to the target group (between 15 and 24 years) with the intention of reducing the high prevalence associated with this age group.
Target Audience
As indicated above, this teaching plan has been designed to address the needs and challenges experienced by persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years concerning sex infections, more specifically, gonorrhea.
Standards of Practice
The standards of practice encompass the values, skills, and knowledge that have been embraced in the development of this teaching plan. In this case, these standards represent the accepted codes of practice that aim to provide a practical guideline in the consideration of adopted aspirations and goals of the nursing profession. Additionally, these standards guide the embracement of professionalism which governs the conduct of individuals who adopt its practices. The provision of standards of practice will also provide a general and a universal concept that will be taken and guide other people who wish to apply the course material in their teaching plans. For this reason, the following are the standards of practice that will be adopted in the process of the educational process.
Commitment to Students and the Learning Process
Owing to the sensitivity of the topic, one should take into consideration according to of care and respect for students while ensuring the message is appropriately communicated.
Professional Knowledge
Individuals should strive to update their knowledge on issues revolving around STIs to ensure their teaching content is up-to-date and current to ensure the needs of the youth met.
Adherence to Professional Practice
Individuals should subscribe to acceptable and professional rules of conduct and embrace it in the course of their teaching. In this case, one should abide by professional and ethical standards of conduct and ensure the target audience’s needs are met and addressed adequately.
For everyone using the teaching plan, he/she should make sure they provide relevant guidance in regards to the course content. Furthermore, students should be able to develop their leadership skills and enhance student’s confidence with the outcomes as progressed in the course’s objectives.
Needs Assessment
The age group comprised of 15 and 24 years old represent young individuals who have been recognized as engaging and who are willing to try new things. In most instances, sex is usually one of the key areas persons in this group are interested in exploring (Satterwhite et al., 2013). However, various adverse consequences result in instances where adequate sexual protection is not sought.
In this case, individuals easily find themselves in trouble as a result of their sexual activities, transmission of STIs notwithstanding. According to Peate (2005), gonorrhea is identified as one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted illnesses among the youth. The underlying myths regarding associated treatments have hampered the process leading to individuals suffering severe consequences in the long-run as a result of their misinformed decisions. In some instances, some people, mostly women, experience adverse consequences as a result of lack of receiving proper treatment (Satterwhite et al., 2013). In this case, many infertility cases have been attributed to delayed treatment of STIs.
The group identified above is usually prone to succumbing to peer influences which may at times prove disastrous upon submission. In this case, situations involving sexual matters are often discussed and acted upon amidst prevailing and accepted myths held by a vast majority of this age group. As such, decisions are often clouded by uninformed basis of accurate decision determination.
Therefore, there is a need to provide accurate information to such individuals, regarding factual information about the illness, its symptoms, treatment, and general prevention measures one can adopt to prevent infection.
Learner Objectives
1. To provide factual information about gonorrhea
2. To explain and discuss the transmission of gonorrhea and its respective cause as per the germ theory
3. To assess and address risk factors surrounding infestation of gonorrhea
4. To identify and dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding the transmission and infection of gonorrhea
5. To discuss gonorrhea treatment and disease management options available
Peate, I. (2005). Manual of sexually transmitted infections. London: Whurr.
Satterwhite, C. L., Torrone, E., Meites, E., Dunne, E. F., Mahajan, R., Ocfemia, M. C. B., & Weinstock, H. (2013). Sexually transmitted infections among US women and men: prevalence and incidence estimates, 2008.Sexually transmitted diseases, 40(3), 187-193.