The poem encompasses an issue pertaining to the unclear interpretations of her work titled Incubation: A Space for Monsters. The issue of confusion was addressed through poetry by describing analogies that best describes the meaning of the book’s context. The arguments presented in the reading include descriptions given to the different areas in the book such as comparing an excerpt from a George Clooney film with a female in red dress. The female character described in the reading embodies the characteristics of the reading, which non-familiar readers would find confusing. To conclude the argument about what the girl is doing in the aforementioned reading, the author highlighted three important points that summarizes the context of the book as a damaged eye with votive filaments. The description of the book encompasses a picture of feminine freedom and courage.
B. Notes Against Cyborg
The main issue perceived from the reading is that the author is pertaining to useless writing when stating the term cyborg. Apparently, useless writing emerged as the main issue being highlighted in the reading. It was based on the assumption that cyborg or writing without considering the freedom of disposability is like appearing in flesh, but directed to do things mechanically. The arguments where the assumption was drawn constitutes a definition that writing without the freedom to be intensely personal or casual much like singing without anyone listening. Furthermore, the author contests the cyborg approach to writing by arguing that the notion of freedom in writing is not the same as writing anything that comes in mind, but rather creating stronger connection with the reader.
It can be concluded from the reading that the author is trying to denounce the conventional attitude in writing that encompasses despair. This claim was supported by an argument stipulating the notion of freedom as making oneself free. However, will sometimes turns to despair when the urge to write becomes a directive that is subject to punishment when not adhered upon. To summarize the entire reading, the author feels that writing without a purpose is useless in everyway because it lacks the necessary freedom. Freedom cane be defined as finding any viable surface to be it on a leaf or box or cigarette because depriving one’s self with such freedom for the reason that a mechanical aide is imperative otherwise constitutes the term cyborg relation. On a personal note, the reading is an example of attesting to the sublime nature of writing in free form rather than going mechanical. The concept presented in the reading encompasses an interesting take on the nature of writing and how the mechanical world is making cyborgs out of everyone.