Technology Revolution
Down through the ages, inventors have been seeking many inventions to benefit humankind and to make lives easier. For example, Alexander Graham Bill invented the telephone and Tomas Edison invented the electric light bulb; there inventions are very useful to all the people all over the world. The inventions are the development and technology revolution. If we were to compare the way of life in the past and nowadays, we would find huge differences and changes in terms of technology. In the past, life was simple and hard at times, while life nowadays is easier. At times, I would personally say those old times without technology means a lot to me as I could compare it as a precious gold. No one can ever deny that technology has changed people’s lives better. Thanks to the advancement of technology. People can look back to the industrial revolution for some clues of how our societies had transformed with the advancement of technology. Technology has many benefits in the society, just like how technology influenced me. The society is in the midst of a new leg of the technology revolution, internet, and mobile technology. When I used the internet and the latest phone, it amazed me and that I could never forget. “Despite the fact that technology has its disadvantages in the personal lives and the society as a whole, its advantages dominate; technology revolution promotes relationship, entrepreneurship, and education in a positive way.”
The internet or World Wide Web has the advantages and disadvantages; however, it depends on the person who uses it. The internet is the turning point in the technology revolution because it totally made a huge change in the society. Since the World Wide Web has existed, many devices are being developed or invented such as computer, laptop, and mobile phone. In the family, I am the one who hate to deal with sophisticated technology, with that I was the last one who bought a computer unit. When I engaged myself on the technology, my perception has changed. Computer expands my horizon and gains a huge benefit from it. The advantages that I obtained from the World Wide Web advanced and changed my life but there is some experience that I considered as a disadvantage.
Personally, I used the internet responsively. Through the internet, I obtained many advantages; meeting new friends from all over the world and knowing about their culture and civilization. When I used Facebook and Twitter for the first time, I was very shy and dissociable. One day, while on Facebook, someone from United Kingdom sent me a friend request, and he wrote, “Hi Ali it will be my pleasure to meet you and be a friend.” Initially, I was shocked, but later on my shyness disappeared and I became more sociable. The internet played an essential part on my academic life. My teacher guided me to understand every lesson in class during in high school and in collage. Internet is a good tool to search at Google or YouTube and find all the answers in all languages in detailed. My father ones told me about their academic life in the past. They used books from the library as references on their lessons and spent hours searching and reading books until they found the answers. The internet is one of the greatest inventions of the century. Before this invention, STUDENTS had to go to the library to do their research but nowadays, Google IS ACCESSIBLE and do THE research.
The most wonderful thing that the World Wide Web is that i can easily contact my family, friends anytime, and anywhere. I feel close to them despite the distance and time away from them. It is hard to say goodbye to someone you love. I still remember the night before MY departure from my country; I was very sad, but my father came to me and said: “My son, near or far, wherever you are, you will not feel alone. We will be around you, even the fare distances and spaces between us. My boy, many things changed in life. If I compare to you when I studied abroad in the United Kingdom, when you are in the United State you will find a huge difference. During my time, I had to spend some money to make an international phone call. In addition, if I want to send a letter to my family, it took one month for them to receive it and one month to reply.” Through the latest technology, everything had changed; Skype is of great help to talk to my family face to face, at the same time. With all the applications, I can call, watch, and chat with my family easily. Communication is easier than before.
Some people are not responsible enough in using the World Wide Web. Consequently, they experienced bad things in their life. The disadvantages are theft of personal information, virus threat, pornography, and social disconnect. In addition, some people become unhealthy and many harmful diseases are acquired because of too much exposure to radiation from the computer. Their health is at risk such as weak blood circulation, obesity, and only few to mention that lead to heart diseases. I was shocked when I heard the news that a friend of my father became an internet addict that lead to mental sickness that made many conflicts in his life. The potential for internet addiction is more rampant than ever before. Internet addiction poses serious roadblocks to maintain good health. Many people are obsessed with being online all day long and do not have an adequate exercise, proper nutrition, and to fresh air and sunlight, as well.
Everything around us has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of technology. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages depend on the person who uses the internet. When I said that old times without technology means a lot to me, I did not mean that I am against the technology, or the technology is a nightmare that destroy our life. What I am trying to say is that everything that is old is precious, and has an essential value. However, technology revolution is vital to the society especially this generation.
Works Cited
My Addiction. The disadvantages of Internet addiction. 20 April 2014. Retrieved from
Nazarian, Angella. The Technology Revolution and Its Role in Our Lives. 18 February 2014.
Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/angella-nazarian/the-technology-revolution_b_4809786.html.
Rybak, Penina. The Three E's of the Technology Revolution: Ecommerce, Entrepreneurship, and
Education. 3 April 2014. Retreived from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/penina-rybak/the-three-es-of-the-techn_b_5064923.html.
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