In my point of view, many problems in people’s life happen because they are bored. When they do not know what to do, often it is much simpler to think of something not useful or decent and start realizing it. I am sure that when people have some specific goal in life, and when they are moving towards it, they are not bored and live happy life. In this essay, I will consider certain arguments for and against my viewpoint.
First, I want to state that people who are bored can harm themselves. It is essential for people to develop, to move somewhere in their life. Of course, when they do it, they also experience certain troubles, but they are of another character. They are not so destructive for people and always bring some changes and dynamics into life (Sher 122). Those troubles that result from boredom act in destructive way, making it very difficult for people to live happily.
Second, people in boredom can harm other people as well. They can engage into some detrimental activities, initiate them for other people just to do something, as it is vital for every person not to sit on one spot, but to act. Because of such activities, we can see some spoiled property, teens engaging in alcohol consumption, smoking, etc. Why do the subjects often become teenagers? I think it is partly because they often do not have clear goals and urges and yet and try to find something to become their place in life.
Still, someone may argue that boredom can be useful, because without it people would not have and urge to act at all. I think that it is one of the positive sides of boredom, but it is realized only when directed and managed in the right way (van Tilburg and Igou 1682). Thus, people can see that they start getting bored and direct their strength and energy towards some new goals and achievements. However, I think that it is a matter of habit and self-development, as it is definitely a harder path to pursue in comparison with going to some random party or smoking with friends.
Thus, I am sure that it is a personal responsibility of every person to treat boredom in the right and healthy way. It is a reality in our life and it is necessary to understand that many detrimental actions happen because of it. When we realize this reality, we get ready to see it, spot and react respectively. In this way, boredom can become our incentive for further development, and owing to such attitude to it, we can become much better people. I am also sure that it is responsibility of parents and educational institutions to engage teens in various activities, show how many interesting things exist there in life and how much we can achieve if we do the right things. In such a way, there will be much less trouble in our life and the life of the surrounding people.
Works Cited
Sher, Leo. "Teaching medical professionals and trainees about adolescent suicide prevention: five key problems." (2012): 121-123.
van Tilburg, Wijnand AP, and Eric R. Igou. "On Boredom and Social Identity A Pragmatic Meaning-Regulation Approach." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37.12 (2011): 1679-1691.