Coronary Heart Disease
Peter Libby and Pierre Theroux article talk about the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease. The article suggests that the knowledge on the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease has been undergoing a significant evolution. The article reviews how the advances altered the concepts and clinical approaches to acute and chronic phases of coronary artery disease. Arterial remodeling or compensatory enlargements are one of the evolutions of coronary artery disease (Libby and Theroux 24). The article suggests that the coronary heart disease requires effective revascularization to relieve ischemia and recognize the need to attend to the non-obstructive lesions.
The article by Caldwell Esselstyn talks about whether the present therapy for coronary heart disease in the twenty-first century is the radical mastectomy. From the article, there is an unfortunate handling off coronary heart diseases by the existent pharmaceutical and interventional treatment of coronary artery diseases (Esselstyn 16). The article suggests that the inefficiency in treatment of coronary heart diseases can result in significant unsustainable expense, morbidity, and mortality.
The article by Andrew Bellow, Joan faith Epstein and Arti Parikh-Patel talks about the lifestyle behavior associated with the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease among the California adults. The article suggests that heart disease is a leading cause of the deaths in the United States. In order to reduce the risks of illness or deaths, the article suggests that there has to be an improvement of behavior of the individuals diagnosed with the disease (Bellow, Epstein and Parikh-Patel 20).
The article by Joseph Alpert presents essential information in what people need to know about the coronary heart disease (Alpert 17). The articles talks about risk factors in the cause of coronary heart disease including tobacco smoking, diabetes mellitus, familial tendency to the development of the condition and high blood pressure.
Works Cited
Alpert, Joseph S. "What You Need to Know If You Have Coronary Artery Disease." (2011): 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.111.019836 . Web.
Bellow, A., Epstein, J. F., & Parikh-Patel, A. (2011). Lifestyle Behaviors Associated With Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease Among California Adults. Preventing Chronic Disease, 8(2), A31.
Esselstyn, Caldwell. "Is The Present Therapy For Coronary Artery Disease The Radical Mastectomy of The Twenty-First Century." (2010): Web.
Libby, Peter, and Pierre Theroux. "Pathophysiology of Coronary Artery Disease." (2005): Web. <10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.537878>.