The topic on genetically modified foods has evolved into one of the most equivocal topics that have generated a contentious debate across various settings all over the globe. This can be accredited to the much hypothesized repercussions of genetically modified foods. Worth noting is the fact that researches carried out in the recent past such as the much hypothesized studies on the effects of genetically modified corn pollen on butterflies have radicalized the public to respond differently regarding the issues on global warming. In fact, it is as a result of such researches that the federal government has established regulatory procedures aimed at evaluating matters arising on the issues of genetically modified foods. This paper limits itself to offering an overview of different opinions on genetically modified foods as contained in three different sources; professional journal, internet source and magazine. As such, the credibility of the information contained in these sources will be evaluated.
Magazine article ‘
Internet article
Appearing in ProQuest database, Whitman (2000) article “Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?” offers a succinct analysis on the scope of a wider array of issues regarding genetically modified foods. The article begins by offering an overview of genetically modified foods whereby it indicates that there has been an enormous public uproar on the concerns regarding genetically modified foods. This internet source goes further to define genetically modified foods as crops produced using contemporary molecular biological techniques. As noted this article, the primary reason for modifying such foods is to enhance their resistance and tolerance to harsh conditions. In a nutshell, the core role of genetic engineering as identified by the article is to produce organisms including plants that are of desired traits.
In exploring the issues regarding genetically modified foods, this article mentions a number of advantages of genetically modified foods. Above all, this article asserts that genetically modified foods play a crucial role in curbing malnutrition. Of the essence is the fact that malnutrition remains to be a matter of public health concern across various parts of the globe, especially in the third world countries (Whitman, 2000). The use of genetic engineering in the production of food crops curbs malnutrition, in that food can be genetically engineered to offer more nutrients, which could not have been possible with the use of conventional food production methods. Another notable aspect of this internet article aligns with the fact that it gives statistics on the prevalence of us of genetically modified foods. The article concludes by offering some of the criticisms levied against genetically modified foods.
Professional Journal Article
Moseley, 2001 article “How to Make Foods Safer-Genetically Modified Foods” focuses on a number of safety issues aligned with the use of genetically modified foods. In fact, the article notes that firms producing such foods are the ones who should be tasked with the responsibility of assuring that the safety of such foods is guaranteed. The article notes that the confidence that consumers have towards genetically modified foods has dwindled due to the allergic reactions that result from the consumption of such foods. As such, firms producing genetically modified foods would find a way of reducing the allergic reactions that these foods cause, the public would not feel indifferent about these food’s. This article concludes by noting that millions of people have and continue to use these foods since three to four years ago without causing any dire health consequences. This proves that the mechanism used by the firms producing these foods to assess their safety is effective.
Strengths and weaknesses of the three articles
The notable strengths of the three articles align with the fact that they offer succinct analysis on the opinions that people have regarding genetically modified foods. As an example, the professional journal article notes that the allergic reactions posed by genetically modified foods is the main reason as to why consumers have a negative attitude towards such foods. The strength of the magazine article aligns with the fact that it explores on the opinions of various researchers who have studied a number of issues pertaining genetically modified foods. On another note, the strength of the internet article is that it offers a clear analysis if what genetically modified foods are, what are their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the criticism levied on these foods.
Evidently, the internet and magazine article failed to cite the source of their information, except for the cases where they offer a professional opinion on these articles. This weakens the credibility of these tow article. On the other hand, the current professional article offers a succinct analysis of the safety issues of genetically modified foods by quoting a wider array of literature done on these kinds of food. Deductively, the professional journal article offers a more informative view on the controversial issue of genetically modified foods.
Harmon, A. (2014). A Lonely Quest for Fact on Genetically Modified Crops. The New York Times. Retrieved From: quest-for-facts-about-gmos.html?_r=0
Moseley, B. (2001). How to Make Foods Safer-Genetically Modified Foods. Allergy, 56 (67), 61-63.
Whitman, D. (2000). Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?. ProQuest. Retrieved From: