1. State the purpose of the study and identify the problem.
The paper “Tragedy into Policy: A Quantitative Study of Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Patient Advocacy Activities” by Lisa M. Black, presents research that was done on the attitudes of healthcare workers in Nevada regarding patient safety. The need to provide protection to patients in such settings is important as they are often profoundly affected by the prevailing beliefs and values that their caretakers have towards them. These cultural norms present an underlying problem when considering the results of poor patient care in a medical environment. The author’s intent in the paper, through quantitative research methods, was to establish a better idea of the views that nurses have towards their patients after a directive was handed down. This directive was handed down from the state of Nevada, which detailed the need to develop a more positive culture and maintain better attitudes towards patients.
2. Analyze the literature review. The author presents a literature review based on government reports that assess concerns regarding patient safety and quality of care. These areas within the review were underreported in many instances, in which repercussions occurred due to inadequate documentation and poorly organized field reports. However, there was an act of inquiry due to the implications of whistleblowing caused by employees reporting institutional problems. The author discovered that a moral compromise arose in a situation. The moral compromise was the conflict of interests between the professional duties that healthcare workers had towards the organization of employment and their moral obligations toward the patient care. Issues such as fear of reprisal or a lack of institutional support left healthcare workers at a feel of dismay if whistleblowing occurred.
3. Analyze the study framework or theoretical perspective. The framework of the paper critiqued the moral obligation of the standard of care on what society should have towards the safety and general well-being of patients. Concerns for the consequences of lapses in professional judgement are an important part of the study’s perspective. A lack of professional behavior in the Nevada healthcare system prompted a public outcry, which resulted in legislative action. The concern of the author in pursuing the research was in better understanding; than the underlying elements that lead to such unprofessional attitudes to take root in such an important sector of society. The author believed that it is necessary for healthcare professionals to be able to report on instances within their organizations that may compromise the health or safety of their patients without concern for retaliation. For this reason, the author viewed it as necessary to better understand professional views towards patient advocacy and the need to ensure that attitudes are shaped by more positive experiences.
4. Identify, describe, and critique for appropriateness any research objectives, questions, or hypothesis. The objectives of the research are to establish a more thorough understanding of the views and values that Registered Nurses in Nevada have in relation to patient advocacy. The Registered Nurses experience within the Nevada healthcare system is a vital asset within the healthcare community due to the exposure of patient neglect, and highlighting importance of increasing the standards of patient care. Due to anecdotal evidence, the author hypothesized that there was a strong fear of reporting unsafe healthcare practices. This fear was based on the potential for retaliation against those who reported such practices or went above their superiors.
Black, L.M. (2011). Tragedy into Policy: A Quantitative Study of Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Patient
Advocacy Activities. American Journal of Nursing. Vol. 111. No. 6. 26-35.
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