(Study Programme)
Projects are the main drivers that bring about change for most organizations. Anytime the management decides to have something innovative or have something ancient done in a different way, the project evolves. After hatching a new project, the rest of the efforts focus on design, organization, implementation, observing and management the project. Sometimes in the life of a project, there may be some disconnect between the project deliverables and the organizational needs. If such disconnect is not taken care of effectively, there are possibilities of dropping the project along the way. In order to ensure that the output meets expectations, it is good to use project management software to achieve effective project management from a holistic view.
Project management software tools enable project managers to manage the life of the project by specifying the start and completion dates. It also incorporates the project tasks and their timelines and therefore notifies the project team members of upcoming deadlines. A good example of project management tool is MS Project 2013. The tool allows project managers to remain in control of all projects despite their size. It has reporting tools with rich features that enable one to track the milestones achieved and resource allocation pattern in a project. Features such as Gantt charts also help to recognize the most critical tasks in the project. The tool, therefore, enhances proper time management in an effort to keep up with the schedule.
Project management tools also aid in keeping track of the progress of projects. They give a report of all activities done and the corresponding team members, and all activities in pending status. The project team members can, therefore, update their current activities for other members to see. Such eliminates the need for emails and meetings. MS Project 2013 supports this functionality quite well. For instance, it supports integration with SharePoint that enables team members to exchange discussions and project timelines through a project site. The project site is also easy to create and is a great toll for keeping everyone organized, and up-to-date. The integration of MS Project with SharePoint also supports instant messaging. As such, members can share ideas by initiating real-time conversations right from their project. So, if one member experiences difficulties, the tool becomes an instant savior without any time wasted.
Project management tools also come in handy in the event of training new team members and familiarizing them with company-based projects. Such tools capture a real snapshot of the work at hand and is important for keeping new staff up-to-speed as the snapshot shows the project from beginning to end. It also defines the details and the main objective of the project. MS Project 2013 supports the replication of the project’s contents applications such as PowerPoint and emails. The integration with SharePoint also ensures quick delivery such information to team members from any location.
Project management tools are a quick and simplified ways of managing projects. Their rich features ensure that projects are on track and give the members a holistic view of the entire project. In this way, they can prioritize on activities that keep the progress a mile ahead. MS Project 2013 has an enhanced toll known as Team Planner that helps to visualize potential problems before they arise and sort before hand. In summary, project management tools, therefore, help to organize, manage, and produce efficient operations directed towards a successful project.
Blog Introduction. (n.d.). Microsoft Project 2013 Benefits - Project Management (PM). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from http://msprojectnow.com/Blog/tabid/142/entryid/585/Microsoft-Project-2013-Benefits-Project-Management-PM.aspx
Brookins, M. (n.d.). Benefits of Using Project Management Software. Small Business. Retrieved October 30, 2014, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/benefits-using-project-management-software-2196.html