Is the Hafiz program focused on providing financial assistance to its beneficiaries?
Yes []
No [ ]
Was the Hafiz program started to help the government deal with unemployment in the country?
Yes []
No [ ]
Did Saudi Arabia’s king Abdullah start the Hafiz program?
Yes []
No [ ]
Was the hafiz program launched on December 2011 during the Arab springs?
Yes []
No [ ]
What is the main objective of the program?
Providing financial support to the unemployed Saudi Arabia’s citizens [ ]
Creating employment for the unemployed [ ]
Who are the beneficiaries?
Jobseekers [ ]
Unemployed citizens []
Are all unemployed citizens of Saudi Arabia eligible for the program?
Yes []
No [ ]
Do people enroll for the program through a given government website?
Yes []
No [ ]
How is the appropriateness of people to remain in the program determined?
Remain in the program till they find a suitable job []
Benefit from program even without searching for a job [ ]
Has the implementation of the program started?
Yes []
No [ ]
Is the program successful so far?
Yes []
No [ ]
Are the rumors about misappropriation of the program by some people true
Yes []
No [ ]
Has the government put in place any measures to avoid misuse of Hafiz program funds?
Yes []
No [ ]
Is it legal for people to register for the program claiming to be unemployed without searching for a job first?
Yes [ ]
No []
Is the Hafiz program funded by the government or is it an NGO?
Government funded []
NGO [ ]
How is the program helping the beneficiaries?
Finds them jobs [ ]
Provide financial support []
Are women taking advantage of the program?
Yes []
No [ ]
Are the objectives of the program being met?
Yes []
No [ ]
Does the Hafiz program benefit the country’s economy?
Yes []
No [ ]
Has the Hafiz program helped to reduce unemployment rates?
Yes []
No [ ]
Des the program has any impacts on civic and social responsibility of the citizens?
Yes []
No [ ]
Does the hafiz program impact on insurance of the family’s life?
Yes []
No [ ]
Are there any other benefits that the beneficiaries of the program receive other than financial support?
Yes []
No [ ]
Is providing incentives to the private sector to hire more Saudi Arabia’s citizens a short-term solution which the government can employ to reduce unemployment rates other than using the hafiz program?
Yes []
No [ ]
Can the government change the education system to match labour demands other than employing the expensive hafiz program?
Yes []
No [ ]
Works Cited
United Nations. "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Contribution to the 2015 United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Integration Segment." 2015. Doc.