The VA department should ensure that all its signal intelligence activities adhere to respect and dignity of all persons especially when handling their personal information regardless of where they live or their nationality. The department ought to ensure civil liberties and privacy are seriously considered when planning any activity related to signal intelligence. Such signal should never be collected with intentions to suppress, dissent or criticize disadvantaged groups based on their race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Such personal information will be protected from unauthorized person access and only disseminated when necessary to the authorized agencies or persons (Bamford, 2001). It will also be retained only when necessarily and within the shortest time possible. Secondly, the department should ensure that any collection of signals intelligence is authorized by the right person. It must be authorized by statute, proclamation, executive order or any other presidential directive. Following this requirement will ensure that the collection of signal intelligence is only collected when necessary, and all other procedures will be adhered to in accordance with the constitution and the executive order.
Thirdly, collection signal intelligence should only be done with the right motive. It will only be conducted to support the mission of the VA department or any other national mission and not for any other purpose (PPD 28, 2014). For example, such signal shall never be collected to enable the VA department to gain a competitive advantage over another state or foreign department. In addition, collection of such signals will only be the last option where the required information cannot be obtained from any other source. The VA department should ensure other feasible and appropriate options are given the first priority before considering the collection of signal intelligence.
Bamford, J.(2001). Body of Secrets: How America's NSA and Britain's GCHQ eavesdrop on the world. London: Century.
Presidential policy directive/PPD 28: Signal intelligence activities (2014). White house, 1-9.