The move by firms to develop marketing strategies brings not only the profits, but also long-term consequences. One of the techniques most strategic managers employ in their daily activities is the consumer-driven marketing concepts. Strategic managers have to devise techniques that will create a unique retailing point. Cant & Strydom (2007) propose that for a firm to stay ahead of its competitors, it has to be market-oriented. They then put that is an organization that focuses on satisfying consumer wants & needs while meeting the company objectives.
This case study demonstrates how Al Jazirah: The Genius Inventor has expanded its services, and markets for its air conditioning services. The case study employs consumer-driven marketing strategies to understand how it has developed techniques to upgrade its operation.
With the strategy in mind, this firm employs marketing management orientations purposed at improving service delivery. Marketing strategies are business proposition concepts that seek to unravel, and to meet expressed and hidden consumer needs. Some of the concepts are|: production Concept, the Product Concept, the Selling Concept, The Marketing Concept, and the Societal Marketing Concept. For instance, from the case application, one can tell that the Saudi Arabian culture is a luxury driven and that its nationals have a purchasing power. Therefore, this firm improves on the quality and introduces evaporative coolers in the market.
Some of the other factors affecting a business operation are the microenvironment and macro environment. As a way to shield itself from the microenvironment, AL Jazirah, has increased its labor work force, and incorporated innovative ideas in the commodity production with the goal of keeping ahead of its competitors. The macro environment is a pain to any enterprise as they are factors beyond a ventures capacity. As a way to shield it from the macro environment, his firm has increased its production channels in Sudan and other countries.
Microsoft seizes this opportunity to meet the consumer demand. However, Microsoft like its predecessors is faced with a language barrier and sees the need to develop a program that will ensure consumers familiarize themselves with Arabic keyboard. It ignores all that negativity about a tested commodity before. Kotler & Armstrong (1991) argue that a marketing concept ignores possible conflicts between short-run, consumer wants and long run consumer welfare. To achieve it, it develops a program that translates the QWERTY keyboard into Arabic text on the screen.
This case study tries to demonstrate techniques, Microsoft Maren, employs to keep everything in operation. It employs the following marketing management orientation for its operation: Production Concept, the Product Concept, the Selling Concept, The Marketing Concept, and the Societal Marketing Concept. For instance to keep it ahead of its competitors, Microsoft upgrades its commodity to meet customer satisfaction. To ensure the product reaches the target market, this firm applies the production concept.
Some other factors come into play. Some of these factors include microenvironment and macro environment. To shield itself from competition, Microsoft Maren makes its product unique, therefore developing a unique retailing point. It also increases the number of distribution channels evenly across the Arabian market. Macro environment are factors beyond a firms way of life. To shield itself from these factors, Microsoft expands its markets from the western countries to the Arabian country.
Kotler, P., & Armstrong. (1991). Principles of marketing (5th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P. (2000). Marketing management (Millennium ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Cant, M., & Strydom, J. (2007). Marketing Management. Johannesburg: Shumani Printers. (Original work published 2007)