New Age Movement (NAM) was an assortment of Eastern-predisposed metaphysical thoughts systems as well as an accumulation of theories, hopes, and expectations. Bearing in mind that it is held as divine since it offers hope for an individual’s future peace and harmony. Within the New Religious Movements, there are four elements that frequently appear to satisfy the modern needs (Gallagher, 2004). One of the elements of NAM was be the Evolutionary Godhood.
Under the element, it was espoused as an evolution of both the body and spirit implying that individuals progress and have the capability of leaping into further spiritual horizons. It would as well be truthful indicating that the evolutionary Godhood meant that individuals would eventually reside with god on condition that they are not sinners. Such a teaching compelled the followers to adhere to the teachings with a hope of residing with their master (Gallagher, 2004).
The additional element common in the NAM was the Global Unity and it consisted of three other elements namely Global Unity with Man, Global Unity with Nature, and Unity between man and God. In the first element of unity between man and man, NAM revealed that harmony between people yields mutual love and acceptance through the understanding of acceptance (Gallagher, 2004).
Eventually, spiritual unity would result. The element of unity between man and nature revealed that since nature was made by God, it was important to preserve it considering the fact that they have an impact on human being’s lives. By so doing, a merge between man and nature was being fostered aimed at a harmonious living. The element of unity between man and God was aimed to ensure that there was a full realization of godliness in the world (Gallagher, 2004). The other elements worth mentioning together with the above include the impersonal, omnipresent, and benevolent.
Gallagher, E. V. (2004). The new religious movements experience in America. Westport, Conn. [u.a.: Greenwood Press.