The constitution was written over 200 years ago. The Supreme Court is under the judicial branch of the central government. The supreme court of the United States is the most powerful judicial body on earth. They deliberate and reach their decisions in private. Even though its legitimacy is in the constitution, its power rests on public faith in their independence and impartiality. The court interprets the constitution as it safeguards liberty and upholds the rule of law. Whenever a new justice arrives, the court pose for a group photo. There has been over 100 supreme judges most of whom remain in the Supreme Court for long.
Even though the presidents have always attempted to shape the court by their nominations, the independence of the court judges has prevented such manipulation by the presidents. The court has been tasked with the responsibility of drawing the boundaries of government power. This involves telling the president, congress and the state what they are expected to do. The court asserted the greatest of the judicial powers under John Marshall. It was during this period that the court gained the respect of the public as a core equal branch of government. In the tradition established by Judge John Marshall, the court was given the responsibility of resolving national problems.
The Supreme Court oversees the rules made by the lower courts. The court accepts petitions. These petitions tend to persuade the supreme court of the wrong laws made by the lower courts. Nine judges sit to determine the validity of the petitions. The decisions made by these judges safeguards the rights of the citizens in need of their services and are considered final. It also determines the constitutionality of some of the decisions made by the congress or the presidential actions.