#1 - The agencies that are included in the National Intelligence are Air force Intelligence, Department of State, and Federal Bureau of Investigation (Office of the Director of National Intelligence, n.d.). The purpose of USAF is to provide intelligence derived from space, airborne, and cyberspace sensors, while the Department of State is the one that handles the collected reports, to which it acts as the focal point within the intelligence community. On the other hand, the FBI is accountable for understanding various threats against the national security.
#2 - The changing demographic trends that affect the policing are jurisdiction, geography, and other external factors that can decide whichever is significant when it comes to policing (afp.org). There is a positive effect that can be envisioned with these factors such as the improvement of police forces’ flexibility when it comes to changing trends.
#3 - Incidents in other countries must also be a concern to US law enforcers as it is poses danger to the country (National Commission on Terrorism, 2000). This would also give the law enforcers the idea in terms of how such incidents were executed in other countries for improvement and further development of law enforcement strategies.
#4 – The street robbery is one of the major problems impacting my community. Based on the problem guide Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, the strategies indicated may resolve the issue as it provides understanding of the problem and how it can be prevented specially the idea of knowing how to respond once a street robber is about to be victimize a person (Monk, Heinonen & Eck, 2010).
#5 - The current trend in the United States’ politics in reference to punishment is the unusual prominence of the punishment itself despite the figures showing the crime rate in the country (Currie, n.d.). It was argued that the punishment in the US is not too punitive compare to other countries. It may impact the criminal justice in terms of having the needs to create new laws or review the existing punishment guidelines. Thus, it may have reduced the criminal justice’s ability to prevent potential crimes due to these needs.
AFP. (n.d.). Police and the challenge of the 21st century: managing change in police organisations - Australian Federal Police. Retrieved from http://www.afp.gov.au/media-centre/publications/platypus/previous-editions/2000/september-2000/2-21century
Currie, E. (n.d.). Crime and Punishment in America. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/books/first/c/currie-crime.html
Monk, K., Heinonen, J. A., & Eck, J. E. (2010). Center for Problem-Oriented Policing | Problem Guides | Street Robbery. Retrieved from http://www.popcenter.org/problems/street_robbery/
Office of the Director of National Intelligence. (n.d.). Intelligence Community. Retrieved from www.dni.gov/index.php
United States. National Commission on Terrorism. (2000). Countering the changing threat of international terrorism. Retrieved from National Commission on Terrorism website: http://fas.org/irp/threat/commission.html