<Author’s Name>
<Institutional Affiliation>
On Teaching Strategies
Several education programs have opened my mind to learning and strategies for the past couple of years. These programs have been a good foundation for me to think about and develop my teaching plan. As part of my teaching plan, I intend to use different teaching strategies to employ to my class and students. These strategies include Analogy, Simulation and Case Study. Using analogy as a teaching strategy allows being familiar to something that is unknown or unfamiliar. This strategy allows students to contemplate and analyze things or situations and associate it in different context. This type of teaching strategy is an active type of learning and does not need huge preparation. Aside from invigorating critical thinking, it allows facilitation of complex concepts . On the other hand, simulation, as a teaching strategy, permits the students to experience the almost ‘real world’ of handling situations without taking much risk. This type of teaching strategy encourages students to analyze and interpret a situation and come up with a decision based on the initial information gathered. Case study is a teaching strategy that persuades students to deepen their analytical skills of various clinical incident or situation. In this type of teaching strategy, students offer ideas in a clinical context where they can relate to .
Consequently, I am not going to employ strategy that involves jigsaw, debate and role playing. These types of teaching strategies entails long preparation and, most of the time, students are reluctant about participating in this kind of learning.
On Nurse Educator Role
Nurse Educators must prepare with challenges linked with educational methods and policies, curriculum and case materials as well as clinical practice settings and research priorities. Furthermore, the rapid changes in information technology should encourage Nurse Educators to keep themselves skilled in the use of related clinical computer technology. There is advancement in digital technology that leads to the increase in application of tele-health and tele-medicine as well as nanotechnology that introduces new types of clinical diagnosis. Nurse Educators must become proactive and keen enough to acquaint themselves with this technically complex situation and adapt more knowledge as this fast pace trend happens .
Works Cited
Curtis, K. (2013). 21st Century challenges faced by nursing faculty in educating for compassionate practice: Embodied interpretation of phenomenological data. Nurse Education Today, vol. 33, issue 7, 746-750.
Elisabeth, C., Wann-Hanson, C., & Ewa, P. (2009). Teaching during clinical practice: Strategies and techniques used by preceptors in nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 522-526.
James, M. (2014). Teaching Teachers to Use Analogies. Retrieved from Northern Arizona University: http://www.physics.nau.edu/~james/TeachingTeachersAnalogies.htm