The world system’s theory by Immanuel Wallertsein proposes that there are some
countries of the world that are privileged with economic gains while the other countries are exploited. (Martinez-Vela 1). On the other hand, the world society theory or polity theory by John W. Meyer proposes that the world’s system is more of a global phenomenon where the social system is governed by a culture which influences nations, governments and the people. (Meyer et al. 144). In my opinion, the World System’s Theory is more correct and applicable to the present day and circumstances because it can be clearly observed that many nations today are very powerful and strong, economically and their strength is not just in their own territory, rather it is present in the continent they are in which means they are a privileged group of people that share common capital. On the other hand, some very poor countries and continents remain, that are either underdeveloped, or they are developing. The examples of wealthy nations like those in the European Union or the United States stand in clear contrast to the poorer and underdeveloped countries of Africa that suffer from lacking the basic needs in life. Even developing countries are dependent on the wealthier countries even though, the richer countries extract their resources from, the poorer ones. There stand so many examples of people in Africa, for instance, suffering from bonded labor and slavery because they cannot survive on their own. Hence, history has revealed that the powerful has dominated the weak and that one culture that of the West has indeed penetrated the world and globalization has created uniformity to quite an extent, however the power still remains predominantly in the hands of the West rather than the rest of the world.
Work Cited
Martinez-Vela, A. Carlos. World Systems Theory. ESD Volume 83. 2001. 1-5. Web. 25 Jan,
Meyer, W. John, Boli, John, Thomas, M. George, Ramirez, O. Francisco. World Society and the
Nation State. AJS Volume 103. 1997. 144-181. Web. 25 Jan 2016.