The methodology presents the major strategies and techniques that will be used to achieve the major objectives that were set in the research . It will further provide the techniques that will adopt in the answering the several research questions that were identified in the previous chapter. The section will provide strategies that will adopted in the empirical determination of the objective and the respective research questions by introducing the major tools that will be used in the data collection of the data from a predefined and set sample size. Using the a properly determined sample size in this research, the section presents a discussion of the proper sampling strategies that will be adopted in the implementation of the these sampling strategies with a presentation of the possible risks that are expected to be encountered in the research process.
3.1. Introduction
For ease of understanding, the research will be broken down in a number of sections with each of the sections specifically suited to addressing some specific attributes in the research process. All the sections will be mainly devoted to finding solutions to the questions that were set in the previous section regarding the research at hand. The research questions section will be devoted to providing a linkage between the sought of data collection instruments and how they will be used in the data collection process. This section will presents a design of the research clearly presenting their structure and why the envisaged structure was adopted in the data collection process. The section will present the data collection tool (questionnaire) that will be adopted in the research with a proper justification of why the instruments were adopted in the research process. The section will also present an observation criterion that will be adopted while administering the data collection instruments with a sound emphasis of the appropriate content analysis of all the organizational documentation for ease of data collection and summary.
The research strategy and data collection section will provide a description of a number of arguments in the research at hand. The section provides a description of the major unit of analysis with a proper description of the units that will be considered in this unit of analysis. The section identifies the major strategies that will be adopted in the study of the identified unit of analysis. The description of the unit of analysis will involve a presentation of the measurement strategies and techniques that will be adopted while collecting data on the identified unit of analysis.
A part from presenting the major unit of analysis and what it comprises, a description of the proper sample size that is appropriate in the research will be presented in this section. The section identifies the proper methods that will adopted in sample size determination with a presentation of the major reasons as to why such a sample size was adopted in the research process. Since the research will involve carrying out research on a small portion of the population, the section will present a description of the proper sampling strategies that will be adopted in determination of the right sample to be adopted in the sampling procedures with a justification of why the identified sampling techniques will be adopted.
This will also involve a description of how the individuals in the identified sample will be approached in pursuit of the data during the data collection process. The section will present a scientific technique and formula that will be used in the determination of the appropriate sample size in the research. All the assumptions that will be assumed in the sample size determination with a proper identification of the statistical distribution to be adopted with justification of the distribution that will be identified. Identification of the proper sampling frame that contains all the elements that will be considered in the study will be identified in this section.
The section on research credibility will involve identification of the major validity and reliability tools that will be used testing the significance of the research. It will involve all the quality assurance techniques that will used to ensure that all the data and data collection instruments are in consonance with theory and free of errors. All the relevant assumptions that will be considered in the sampling process and data collection process will identified in this section. All the major errors that are expected to be identified in the course of the study will be considered in this section with a proper identification of some of the remedies to such errors.
The section on Planning and execution of the research will present a report on all the techniques and strategies that will used in the execution of all the steps that were stated in the different sections of the study. An in-depth frame work for the execution of all these sectional aims will be identified with an illustrious identification and statement of the timeline in achieving these entire section based aims and goal in the analysis. The plan will involve an analysis of the possible deviations in execution and the major cause for such deviations in the execution. A report on the major risks expected to take precedence during the execution of all the different stages in the study will be provided together with a description of some was of combating such risks.
3.2. Research questions
This section presents a questionnaire with a series of questions that will be adopted in this study. Most of these questions will be open ended as they will mainly be used in the collection of respondent’s opinions regarding forecasting of iron ore produced at the facility. The questionnaire will be arranged in a number of sections but each of these sections will be devoted to answering the objectives that were stated in the research proposal. To avoid coming up with erroneous and irrelevant questions in this questionnaire, caution will be taken to ensure that all the questions in the questionnaire are objective oriented and based. The following is a summary of some of the questions that will be adopted in this study. The research questions were identified in section 4.1 of the research proposal.
The section bellow presents a linkage between these identified research questions and the unit of analysis in the study. The established link will find out which group of people is supposed to be interviewed in order to get the data that would be vital in answering the stated objectives.
Data collection methods:
Interview: These questions will be administered to the individual that will be obtained after purposive sampling of our study population to obtain the proper sample. The questionnaires will not be given out to the respondents but rather will be administered by the data collectors in form of interviews. A mixture of open-ended and semi-structured questions will be used during the case study. The questions will focus on the suggestions of how to improve the forecasting accuracy of iron ore demand. The open-ended and semi-structured interview questions will seek for answers that will help MCC to optimize inventory levels without causing stock-out significantly.
Historical Data: Historical data from Metallurgical Corporation of China Limited will be used to make forecasts of the estimates in the iron ore estimates.
3.3 Research strategy and data collection
Because of the documented problems and challenges that are involved in carrying out study on the entirety of the population, this research will focus on small section of the population called a sample. The samples will be selected in a way that will ensure that they are very representative of the entire population. This will be used to ensure that their results obtained are very representative of the population at hand in light of the objective that was set in the proposal. Since the study will be mainly interested in gathering information on the individuals in the inventory control section, a non-random purposive sampling technique will be adopted in the sample size determination. The sampling methodology will be mainly concerned about the individuals in the inventory management because it is envisaged that these individuals are much more knowledge about the entire quantities or iron ore that is produced in MCC.
3.3.1. Sampling strategy
The potential participants will be chosen by looking at the research questions and the objectives of the research. The participants will have to satisfy the environmental, social and technological dimensions of the study. Emails will be used to ascertain the potential of the various participants in the case study. A number of factors like fluency in the English language will be a qualifying factor for the potential participants in the study. These participants will be drawn from American, Chinese and Canadian Nationalities. All the responses that the participants will offer will be included during the stage of data analysis.
3.3.2. Sample size
Therefore, the sample size will aim at ensuring maximum data saturation. The study will adopt a wide frame in the sample to increase the comprehensiveness of data during the study. Five logistic staffs and two logistic managers at MCC will be interviewed and five supply chain planners from MCC will be in the sample. Two logistic managers and one transport staffs in the shipping companies will be included in the case study. The sample of the participants will enhance data saturation during the case study by offering all information concerning supply chain. The selection of the members to be included in the sample from the different sections will be done on the basing of the desired margin of error and level of significance.
3.4. Assuring credibility of the research
These factors are envisaged to be the main determinants of demand of iron ore the company will be considered and heavily studied in this study. All these aspects will be considered to ensure that reliable and dependable information regarding demand are considered in pursuit of dependable forecasts regarding future demands. In order to achieve very reliable data in this research, it will be imperative that all the respective questions as contained the questionnaires are answered by the respective respondents. Preliminary interviews will be conducted prior to the actual process to estimate the reliability of the data collection instrument. This will be also a means of ensuring how reliable the tool is in answering the objectives that were set in the research process.
The clarity of the interview questions will be confirmed during the interviews and clarity is crucial in promoting reliability of data. Procedural problems will be determined during the interviews. Procedural problems also will help the researcher to avoid such problems when collecting actual data. A method of triangulation of the data collection instruments and tools will be adopted in this research to ensure that the results are as reliable as possible . The sampling strategies will be specially designed to ensure that all the potential and viable participants get an opportunity to be included in the sample. The questions were designed in a language simple enough to be understood and interpreted by all the participants in the study.
3.5. Planning and execution of the research
There are basically three kinds or errors that are expected in this research . A number of errors are expected in the preparation stage of the research process. These errors will mainly arise due to poor conceptualization of the main aspects of the research which will in the end lead to misstatement of the objectives and research questions in the study. In order to minimize such errors, proper literature and document review will be carried out to ensure that there exists a real research question in the study.
The second aspect of the errors will be expected in the data collection phase of the research process, this will involve errors associated with incompleteness in the data collection phase. These errors could be associated with misinterpretation or incompleteness in answering the questionnaires. The major reason for this is usage language that is not understood by the respondents in the study. To minimize the occurrence of such errors, the questions will be clearly explained to the respondents to ensure that they understand them before they provide their answers. In cases where the respondents seem not to understand the questions that are being presented to them, probing could be used to ensure that they provide the right responses.
The third aspect of error will be expected in the data processing, interpretation and making of proper statistical inference basing on the results of the study. These errors could arise due to biasness in the results of the data or misinterpretation of the results for proper utility. To minimize errors due sampling, the study will ensure that all the entire process sticks to the proper plans that were identified prior to the study. Experienced data analysts will be utilized to minimize errors in interpretation of the findings that could lead to erroneous conclusions.
3.6. Summary
The methodology presented the major steps that would be conducted in order to ensure that the study is a success. The research questions section provided a linkage between the objectives that were stated in the research and study through presentation of the questionnaire which also functions as the data collection tool. These questionnaires are supposed to be administered to the viable participants that were selected through a purposive sampling technical. To ensure reliability of the data collection instruments, they are supposed to be subjected to pretest exercises to test for efficiency. The questionnaires are supposed to be in a language that is understood by all the participants in the study to minimize the errors that would occur in the data collection phase of the research. The interpretation of the questionnaires is supposed to be in line with the stated objectives.
Biemer, P. (1991). Measurement errors in surveys. New York: Wiley.
Kothari, C. (2004). Research methodology methods and techniques. New Delhi: New Age International.
Santos, F. (2003). Triangulation translation perspectives in process oriented research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publications.