Corporate Responsibility in Creating Environmental Value: Research Data Collection and Results
Question Baladiya Eqs. Fed Min of Env
1 yes * yes yes
2 yes * yes * yes*
3 yes * yes * yes *
4 yes yes yes
5 yes * yes * yes *
6 yes * yes * yes *
7 yes * yes yes *
8 no yes no
9 no * yes * no *
10 yes * yes * yes *
11 yes * yes * yes *
12 no yes no
13 yes * yes * yes *
14 yes yes yes
15 yes * yes yes *
16 no yes * no *
17 yes yes yes
18 yes yes * yes
19 yes yes yes *
20 n/a yes n/a
*Denotes additional answer (see COMPLETE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS BY COMPANY)
1. Does your company engage in as active program for being socially and environmentally responsible? In other words, is there a department or individual responsible for addressing the impact of your company on the environment?
2. If an individual or group were to complain of pollution of some sort generated by your company, what would be the procedure for addressing the complaint?
3. In the event if the complaint should prove to be valid, is there a process in place to address it? If so, what is it?
4. Does your company have a benchmarking process for addressing environmental concerns?
5. The Savar building collapse in 2013 placed responsibility not only on the contractor, but on the company that hired him. Does your company have any method of guaranteeing the work of its contractors?
6. Does your company have a clearly defined approach to CSR? If so, what is it?
7. A defined budget for CSR demonstrates commitment to the company’s responsibilities. Does your company have such a budget in place? Is there a department or team for management of CSR in your corporation?
8. It can be difficult for employees to adhere to CSR policies if they are unaware of them. Does your company engage in a program for employee education concerning this topic?
9. In what types of activities does your company engage concerning environmental sustainability (recycling, reusable materials, reduced paper use, etc)?
10. In what types of community involvement does your company participate (raising money for charities, supporting local economic growth, providing volunteers for events, and so on)?
11. Studies have shown a correlation between financial success and social and environmental responsibility. Has your company gathered any statistics to support or refute this claim?
12. Graduating students frequently investigate the environmentally responsible activities of a company. When this company is recruiting top employees, does the topic of activities such as community volunteering, fundraising events, or payroll giving enter into the conversation?
13. Does your company have any department or individual responsible for addressing claims against the company regarding risk management? If so, how would it handle allegations of pollution or corporate negligence?
14. Does your company use CSR methodologies to build customer loyalty? In other words, does your company’s advertising include information about actions it takes toward environmental responsibility?
15. Does your company have a formal statement regarding responsibility toward CSR? What department addresses concerns or offers suggestions for changes or actions?
16. If legislation was to be introduced regarding corporate responsibility socially and environmentally, what concerns would your company have on the effect on corporate activity?
17. Do you feel the government should set standards for corporate responsibility regarding the environment? If so, with an issue as complex as this one, should a separate governmental department be set up for actions?
18. Europe presently has 15 countries actively engage in the development of public policy and regulation of CSR regulation. The reviews of the results are mixed. What would you suggest to increase the results of these actions without inhibiting corporate profitability?
19. Would you consider entering into a partnership for CSR with other companies?
20. Would you consider the partnership if it included competitors?
Baladiya: Mr. Ibrahiim Abbas Hasan, Manager, Planning and Infra-Structure Department, Ministry Of Municipality &Urban Planning,
Equestrian Federation: Mr. Hamad Al-Attiya, President OfQatar Equestrian Federation (QEF), Al Furousiyah RA, Al Rayyan, P.O.Box 24464 Doha, Qatar, Tel: + 974 44708427, Fax: + 974 44820605,
Ministry of the Environment: Mr. Ahmad A. Al-Ibrahim, Director, Environmental Assessment Department, Ministry Of Environment,
Yes, Pollution and Industrial Investigation Department
Yes, via a specialized committee
Yes, via a recognized process
Yes, via auditing teams
Yes. Environmental Day and many other activities via Public Relation Department
Yes, via public relations department
Processes are available but not fully implemented.
Yes, Environmental Day & other events
Yes, through consultancy service contacts
Yes, via environmental assessment department
Yes. "Strategic Goals for Ministry of Environment:1) Balance between the social and economic development needs and protecting the environment.2) Preserving and protecting the environment, including air, land, water and biological diversity.3) Ensure the quality of environmental health and safety 4) Improve the institutional effectiveness and performance 5) Propose and develop policies and legislations to protect the environment 6) Enhance awareness and environmental culture7) Support and activate the national, regional and international cooperation."
No concerns
With government only because there are so many potential private partners but we can't afford that at this moment
Not applicable
Equestrian Federation
Quality Control
Yes, through the Legal Office
Yes, there is through the Consultant Office & Quality Control
Yes, a well-defined approach please check our website:
Yes, there is a budget and CSR is addressed through an assigned committee.
Limited Recycling, reused material and reduced paper usage.
Fund raising for charity, supporting local economic growth and providingvolunteers for events.
Yes, data has been gathered supporting this claim.
Yes, through the Legal Department.
Review several activities that may prove in contradiction with the intended legislations.
Government support
Ministry of the Environment
Yes, as a planning department we address the subject with concerned authorities and make special studies for environment
Yes, we investigate and ask the concerned authorities to remove the incidents
Yes, via qualification processes
Yes. Health, Education, Events & advertisements
Yes, via public relations department
Processes are available but not fully implemented. On the other hand, we do some special studies like when making highway roads we measure the carbon emissions and make sure to reduce it to the minimum.
Yes, in Social Campaigns and Special Events
Yes, but not in a systematic way
Yes, via Public Relation Department
"The Ministry of Municipality & Urban Planning is considered one of the largest public service ministries that interact with the day to day affairs of general public."
No concerns
With government only because there are so many potential private partners but we can't afford that at this moment
Not applicable
References, (2015). وزارة البلدية والتخطيط العمراني [online]
Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Ministry Of Environment - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Qatar Equestrian Federation. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 28 Apr. 2015].