Personal Educational Experience
Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge from the society, the environment and from the formal institutions set by the government to provide a distinct platform for the people to learn. It could be realized that somehow, this particular process comes in many forms. For me, one specific process of learning that I respond effectively to is through being involved in actual experience. This is the reason why in school, I usually get interested with lessons that let me have a hands-on experience especially when it comes to realizing the practical application of the major points of lessons presented to us in class.
There was one time when we were presented with a lesson on colors in art class. Although I was interested in arts, the topic on colors and where it comes from was seemingly unappealing to me. However, my teacher was able to bring about a sense of better value to the overall lesson. She brought a video that explained thoroughly how color was produced and how nature in itself provides a distinct proof to the fascinating manner by which color is developed. This video got my interest as I saw how intricate and critical the process was as the sun’s rays, the pigmentation separation in each color spectrum and how the said colors are perceived through the eyes specifically got my attention. I now realize that somehow, the most unappreciated matters in nature explains the most complex elements that define the fascinating design behind living things and the way each of these creatures function to support the desire of each individual to be satisfied with life.