A decision-making procedure in a society which approves and directs how a people are ruled is what is called politics. Politics affect our everyday life in one way or another. The government makes various decisions which affect how we do our day to day chores (Skinner, 2007). A nation is made up of a people and as an entity which is all defined by how we live together as people with common political affiliations. Politics affect our society concerning how well we relate to each other and the goals that the community must achieve.
Political affiliations are related to democracy, a Greek word meaning “rule by the people” where the citizens are given a chance to choose their governments from different political affiliations. Cultures change according to political mandates and affiliations. When the government places political directives on the citizens, they tend to change accordingly (Skinner, 2007). Political ideas do not change how a society is governed or ruled but when several people with the same ideas from a party, they can be able to develop changes in a society. An example, in America, the democrat party is made up of followers with certain ideas while the republican has followers with another set of ideas. This ideas and policies are implemented if a candidate from this party is sworn in to office. The process may be gradual or a violent revolution.
Study of politics is an essential element to any people of a country. This is because as we study politics, we can control behaviours and procedures which deem unfit or bring insecurity among the people. By learning politics, lawmakers can successfully make laws and regulations which are for the general good of the society (Skinner, 2007).
Politics further, ensures that the social amenities in our community are put in place and are running accordingly (Skinner, 2007). Construction of features such as pavements, roads, and security offices is all made possible due to “politics” as they determine on the tax payments which run this projects.
Personally, I believe politics has created a tremendous breakthrough regarding regulations and achievements of my rights as a citizen. Through laws and procedures made through politics, my regulations on what I can freely do and what I cannot are affected.
In conclusion, politics is the core of our community’s wellbeing. Study of the policy ensures that every individual in our society brings cohesion and adaptability which are crucial in realizing consensus in our daily living as citizens of a country.
Skinner, Q. (2007). Visions of politics: Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press