Every business has the responsibility to behave in certain ways. It is the prerogative of the management to ensure that particular ethical behavior is promoted within the organization and that employees conform to the ground rules as stipulated in the company laws. It is paramount for organizations to meet its corporate responsibilities within the stipulated frameworks and ensure that none of its behavioral models is detrimental to the laws of the nation (Tsourvakas, 2015). Promoting a social environment that gives the society a chance to view a company in a way that best serves the interest of community stakeholders is indispensable for companies. Cheesecake Factory has a set of regulations and behavioral models that ensure its employees behave by the corporate expectation. These codes of conduct are instrumental in ensuring that the company meets its obligation as well as maintain the reputation upon which it thrives in the business environment. It is critical for industries to work towards achieving the goals set by organizations by putting stringent measures for employees thus controlling their behavior.
Given Cheesecake, it is important to note that large companies must behave ethically. It is critical to have the management as well as the staff have proper work ethics that will ensure that every element in the company finds its space and acts within the confines of the laws. In light of the behavior, the company has set ground rules to enable them to meet the standards of behavior as recommended by the company. Upon employment, the company must serve every employee with a copy of the behavioral laws in the form of codes of conduct to ensure that they are aware and very conversant with the expectation they carry (Valey, 2015). The message, in this case, remains undisputed. The company wants employees and the executive to uphold the culture of integrity and adopt a system of behavior that will have benefit to the image of the company in the public as well as meet its social responsibilities. There are several codes of behavior and conduct as stipulated in the Cheesecake’s model of conduct. Each code provides the mannerism in which every member of the company is expected to behave.
It is critical for every member to understand the codes contextually to avoid clashing interest with the goals of the company. In this view, the executive section of the company must lead from the front in ensuring that every member of the company adopts a culture of behavior that benefits the company and attracting more customers. It is the responsibility of the business to adhere to the expectations of the people and, more importantly, have a reputable image to the public (Thaler & Helmig, 2015). Critically, several companies have failed to live up to the standards set by the organizations thus denting their image from the view of the public. Consequently, their business goals are affected, and the company suffers from attracting more customers as well as losing the already acquired clients. Therefore, every member must conform to the behavior that meets the long-term objectives of the company that is normal to assert its authority in the business environment as a reputable institution that values the society and promotes ethics to the letter. The responsibility charged on every staff is to develop this culture of reputation and adopt a class of behavior that serves the interest of the company rather than egocentric behavior that pits individual interest against the company objectives.
As aforementioned, Cheesecake has built its name in the corporate world as an organization that observes moral behavior and adopts changes chat are instrumental to the general public as well as business partners. Some of the imperative codes of conduct in Cheesecake include;
i. Compliance with the laws
ii. Conflict of interest
The company has stipulated clear in their codes that every member of the company is required and expected to conform to the laws of the organization. It is critical to have people behave in ways that have ultimate benefit to the company. The conflict of interest code requires that every action of the staff is aimed at promoting the corporate philosophy of the company instead of personal interest. It expects employees to shun and beware of any action by another that might be in contravention to the interests of the company. It expects the staff and members to devote their efforts to promoting the corporate culture and being critical to individual goals that are not in conformity with the overall objectives of the company (Thaler & Helmig, 2015). In compliance with the company laws, Cheesecake expects its employees to understand the value of mutual respect. It is clear that the company is not in any way pertinent to unethical behavior from the employees and declares zero tolerance to any behavior that contravenes the rule of respect for other employees. It is clear that the company is clearly against the forms of harassment that might arise from the employees and their colleagues.
In this case, the company has put ahead its corporate philosophy and expects its staff to adhere to the appropriate behavior and help the organization to grow. As stated in the code of conduct, it is clear that the company is expecting its employees to respect others and should not show any behavior that can be considered detrimental to the effect of the codes. Therefore, it is critical to ensure proper implementation of the codes of conduct. To ensure every employee adheres to the codes of behavior, the company ensures that every staff signs a letter of consent that ties them to behave by the codes (Valey, 2015). They equally append their signatures upon understanding and agreeing to follow and observe the codes of behavior. In case of any misdemeanor, the company takes disciplinary action against the culprit and can eventually dismiss them when the impact is detrimental. It ensures that employees follow the rules set by the company. In this case, the company also expects employees to adopt the culture of reporting any suspicious behavior that could lead to breaching of the codes of conduct. It has clearly spelled ways in which the employees can report any misdemeanor when it arises.
Socially responsive activities
Tsourvakas, G. (2015). Codes of Conduct. Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 1-3. Retrieved March 7, 2016.
Valey, T. L. (2015). Ethical Guidelines and Codes of Conduct in Social and Behavioral Research. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 37-42. Retrieved March 7, 2016.
Thaler, J., & Helmig, B. (2015). Do Codes of Conduct and Ethical Leadership Influence Public Employees’ Attitudes and Behaviours?: An experimental analysis. Public Management Review, 1-35. Retrieved March 7, 2016.