Public opinion
When relaying information to an individual, the ultimate objective is their behavior. Achieve the intended response, it is extremely crucial therefore to familiarize oneself with the concept of public judgement. Knowledge of what the public thinks about an individual product, for instance, will enable one the point from which to make their submissions to a potential client. (Stiff, J. B., & Mongeau, P. A. (2003) Information regarding the fundamental principles of human communication will come in handy while establishing how public opinion gets formed.
The phenomena of perception. Discernment is an irregular potent as it gets solely tied to an individual. Unlike public opinion, it is hard to gauge one. As a result communication professionals have to put much effort in the research of trying to understand how different people react to different messages and the perception of the same.
Attitude fashions human beliefs and values. The defiance of one towards an item has a significant impact on the principles as well as philosophies the individual natures. Understanding the origin of the said values and beliefs begins with familiarizing oneself with the attitude of the client.
The influence of conformity. Those in communication professions know how powerful the influence of compliance is. The influence otherwise known as a mob mentality is a powerful tool in the art of persuasion. Communications professional ought to identify opinion leaders in their societies and fields equally. Influencing and coaxing an opinion leader to be it a group or individual is as good as persuading those who depend on the counsel they give.
When preparing for the respective class it is wise to put the above insights in mind, the information opens up one’s mind, and the thought process of the same gets broadened.
Stiff, J. B., & Mongeau, P. A. (2003). Persuasive communication. New York: Guilford Press