Every human has certain rights. Apart from the gender specification, human rights are equal and same for all genders. All humans are allowed to live according to their wishes and freedom. No one is allowed to impose restrictions on any one. The national and international laws also impose a great stress on equality.
The developing and under developed countries see more human rights violation cases. The main reasons are poverty, social disparity, lack of education and lack of implementation of laws
There are many organizations working on the violation of human rights. In every part of the world, either governmental or nongovernmental organizations are working very actively to provide equal rights to all humans. So from the food and clean environment to political freedom, media freedom, civil freedom, these all are the basic rights of humans. Absence of such rights would make up for meaning that humans rights are violated.
In recent years the human rights are violated with the greater speed, despite the fact that day by day many organizations have been founded and working efficiently. Protecting and ensuring the availability of human basic rights should be the main purpose of every other person.
Let’s study in a proper way that how many types of violations occur, how these violations are recorded and how much any organization act upon these reports and provides relief to the people who suffer.
Let’s first of all start with the basic violation of rights, and that rights are never considered even till today. That is the death of soldiers in wars. Wars that do not have clear backgrounds behind them make up for such cases of violation. Like the soldiers who die in providing security to any political leader for the personal reason. The soldier who dies or gets hurt for purely personal reason is also the violation of human rights. This violation is usually not noticed by many organizations.
Freedom of speech is also a necessary part of basic right. In most of the places round the world, people are suppressed and not allowed to talk for their rights. This makes up for a barrier to freedom of speech. And it is one of the severe types of human rights violation.
In a country like India, ethnic problems arise after few years. And these problems have taken the lives of many people till today. In one of the surveys it has been established on board that during the year 2002, many people in India have been killed in mosques, burnt in houses. Similarly if we look country wise, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine, these are few countries which face human violation since ages (Makei, 2012.). Various reports have been conducted from time to time about the violation of rights in these countries. It has been found according to these reports that the political aspect is the main cause of violating human rights. Apart from political and military aspect, there are various cases that the army men have raped attacked the women in a particular city. These types of violation are the severe because they are neither being reported nor being punished. The army men are given freedom to do whatever they want o do in the territory.
Apart from these political, religious violations, there is another type of violation occurring national and international level and that is the physical torture on the prisoners. After 9/11, if we see internationally, many prisoners have been tortured very badly in an international jail formed by America on the name of the fight against terrorism(Affairs, 01, Jan,. 2007). There is no doubt that it was the fight against terrorism, but many cases have been reported that the prisoners were treated very much inhumanly and human laws were strictly neglected. Similarly if we see nationally, many prisons have become torture cells. The convict is tortured physically in a very harsh manner. The convict has the right to fight for his freedom or his innocence in a legal way.
The slavery is also a serious crime and violation of basic human rights. In some countries, there have been reports and surveys conducted and showed the statistics that how much minorities’ rights are violated. Similarly there are certain states in the world, where civil war is going on, during the days of civil war the largest amount of human violations are reported and recorded.
Now if come to the national level, the women are the most affected part of the society. The women rights are violated at each and every step (Julie Peters, 1995). It is the negligence of basic human right to work and act independently. Many cases of rape, acid thrown on the body of women, honor killing re very prominent.
Affairs, C. o. (01, Jan,. 2007). Guantánamo: Violation of Human Rights and International Law? Council of Europe,.
Julie Peters, A. W. (1995.). Women's Rights, Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives. Psychology Press,.
Makei, V. (2012.). Human Rights Violations In Certain Countries. Ministry of Forgien Affairs. Belarus.