The paper explores low participation in online (Internet) forum among international students. Since according to Caspi, Chajut, Saporta, & Beyth-Marom (2006), computer-mediated communication media (CMCM) offered distance learning students’ new opportunities to online or distance learning courses, this paper examines some factors that could act as a block to online discussions between students, . The main question evaluated in this study is how gender and cultural differences relate to low participation in e-forum for international students. This reaserch involves study of a large group of graduate and undergraduate students, both female and male, from Sri Lanka, India, Middle East, and Bangladesh. However, the enrollment of female students is lower than male students, since there are less female than male students presented in the Department of Polytechnic Studies. This research adopts a questionnaire for international students. It includes two parts intended to gather personal information, including demographic, nationality, and university status, and experiences in the e-forum participation. The compilation of the questionnaire is based on observation. The results of the questionnaires are gathered and coded for quantitative analysis. The incorporation of different scales enables a comprehensive quantitative analysis. The distribution of the scores are charted in graphs in order to illustrate the findings in a better manner. There are no previous studies has been done to compare the results and see the changes overtime. This study investigates the factors behind the e-forum low participation among international students in the Department of Polytechnic Studies to suggest the best approach that can address the problem of low participation in order to improve the quality of learning experience as students improve their skills and level of awareness.