Hi Student, since its establishment in 1977, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has been involved in human and health services throughout the United States. In your response, you highlight that the CMS introduced the Affordable Care Act to allow every citizen to access high-quality medical services. The CMS has also taken up the role instituting and managing various tasks for advancing IT in health care such as the use of electronic records and promoting medical data privacy. Much of the work done by the institution is handled in conjunction with federal and national agencies. The CMS thrives on the mission that to obtain a quality health care system, they have to provide better medical coverage, lower the costs, and enhance the health outcomes of individuals (Rouse, par. 2). The institution is also aware that changing the medical system is not one man’s job; hence, they partner with different agencies that can assist them to improve the health outcomes of Americans.
Medical policies attempt to maintain health equity amongst all persons and to improve the efficiency of medical institutions. The CMS takes part in formulating and examining efficient health regulations. With such tremendous experiences in the medical sector particularly in the elderly community, it is commendable to see that you value partnerships that are focused on promoting the health outcomes of the society. The aged persons encounter chronic illnesses and conditions at a time when they are helpless or incapable of taking care of themselves. Medical practitioners have to dedicate a lot of effort and time to protect the interests and well-being of the elderly patients. The policies championed by the CMS such as Medicaid programs and the Affordable Care Act are fundamental in supporting the elderly and any other vulnerable group in the community that has difficulties in accessing health services (Herold and Karen, 91).
Works Cited
Herold, Rachel A., and Karen Bonuck. "Medicaid IBCLC Service Coverage following the Affordable Care Act and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Update." Journal of Human Lactation 32.1 (2016): 89-94.
Rouse, Margaret. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Web. <http://searchhealthit.techtarget.com/definition/Centers-for-Medicare-Medicaid-Services- CMS>