Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 is a unique visual project mainly aimed at diagnosing the American economic ills of that time and its future prospects. Psychologists believe Lange’s ability to place a photograph in its context has managed to create the sharpness of its critical edge more apparent. The photograph managed to challenge the entire agricultural, political economy. The photographs have also wakened up some scholars and politicians to understand the detrimental effects of the racism (Paine 1). Among the documentary photographs, Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 was an exemplary in both prevailing styles and meanings of the world. Her progressive commitment in her work illustrates unusual target and a typical cultural front. Since Lange was promoting specific New deal policies to the entire world, she ultimately received great acclaim as a master art photographer. Her passionately committed work resulted into varied economic reforms that have helped not only America but also the global society. Lange`s project has also been lingered by some gender relationship. In her photograph, the theme of femininity has dominated the muscularity. The gender relationship portrayed by these photographs clearly depicts how women and children have continued to suffer in the society. However, to some extent, she has discriminately presented women as people who may not be compost with their private emotions. This form of presentation has made some people criticize he work as sentimental (Paine 1).
In conclusion, the Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 photograph has reversed the historical trajectory of American economic perspective. Through her photography, the global nations have invented various mechanisms such as technology in order to revolutionize the economy and feed the constant growing population.
Coleman, A. D. "A History of Women Photographers / Dorothea Lange: A Visual Life." Art Journal 55.1 (1996): 99. ProQuest. 21 Oct. 2014.
In the most incisive and artistic voice, Coleman believes that in a special way, Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 photograph have managed to fill the gaps of literature. He observes that this piece of photograph may be taken as a reference point. Coleman believes that Dorothea Lange has produced a quintessentially iconic single image of depression era-migrant mother. He denotes with much enthusiasm that this piece of photograph is the pioneer drives of the American exodus to economic prosperity. He believes that Dorothea has managed to produce a brilliant germinal collaborative effort to the American prosperity.
In his journal, Coleman the scholar makes with great emphasizes the position of Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 in relieving the complex economic problems that engulfed the globe. These include; poverty, racial discrimination and political bad will. He believes that Dorothea has managed to share his feeling to the world through her medium. Inarticulate voice, he donates that Dorothea has managed to represent a sample of remarkable women who are courageous enough to transform the nation. He acknowledges and recognizes Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 as something valuable and that has brought success to economic prosperity not only to America but to the entire world nations.
Paine, Janice T. "No One-Shot Artist Lange's Powerful Images a Virtual Record of American Changes." Milwaukee Sentinel Sep 23 1994: 0. ProQuest. 21 Oct. 2014.
In her journal, Pauline mainly acknowledges Migrant Mother; Dorothea Lange, 1936 photograph as one of the iconic works that have depicted various 1930s economic despair that engulfed America. He admits that today this photograph would literary worth $30,000 as a result of its iconic significance. He believes that Dorothea managed to create a powerful stuff hat stroked both the economic and social ills that swept the American. The journal continues to acknowledge the varied forces that compelled Lange to portray the photograph. He denotes these factors as force of economic ills. These manifestations included the 1930s labor strikes men sleeping in the streets near San Francisco readily for any job and bread lines.
However, Paine criticize Lange`s famous image while representing women. He believes that he has failed to represent the image of women and children in a positive manner. He failed in reconciling their role as a mother and a professional woman. In conclusion, Lange`s perfect exhibition is a perfect reminder of the modernist roots as well as a social conscience. Her photographs use varied visual make ups and gesture thus proving to be a true representation of a perfect work of art.
Works cited
Coleman, A. D. "A History of Women Photographers / Dorothea Lange: A Visual Life." Art Journal 55.1 (1996): 99. ProQuest. 21 Oct. 2014.
Paine, Janice T. "No One-Shot Artist Lange's Powerful Images a Virtual Record of American Changes." Milwaukee Sentinel Sep 23 1994: 0. ProQuest. 21 Oct. 2014.