Market research brief is the ability to make the products of a given company known by other people in the same circle. It involves the issues of describing the products and possible benefits the users are likely to get in using the product. It also states some of the demerits that may come alongside the product but it majors mostly in the merits of the product with an aim of enticing the users. This research was commissioned in order to get adequate information and knowledge on how to deal with the human diseases, of which it was partially successful.
This aspect of the research helps in gauging the demands of the products by the users within a given region. The product targets patients with various illness helps them in getting a better health condition in the process. The product is a drug suitable for human consumption which will help them relieve themselves of the persistent pain they could be going through.
The strength of the product is based on its ability to help the human beings from the We strongly think that the idea of biotechnology can help in maximizing this possibility by furnishing more advanced method of attacking various diseases. Amgen is believed to be among the first companies to come up with therapeutic proteins, which can be used to replace or augment important to human proteins, and monoclonal antibodies, which is capable of causing diseases targets with enhanced precision.
Most of Our scientists have also orchestrated new types of medicines, such as peptibodies, and our pipeline characteristics other exclusively novel discussion modalities. Most of the advancement in human genetics is casting raw light on the molecular origins of disease. Amgen’s aim is to turn these perceptivities into new and highly distinguished therapies.
This mostly helps again in tackling human challenges in regard to the kind of diseases affecting the society. Despite all these strength of the drug, it still has some weakness in that at times it could prove difficult to provide the correct information or results during the laboratory testing to ascertain its authenticity
The most important sector that is worth noting for the research could be most of the geographical areas with difficulty in the climatic changes in which many occupants suffers from the various diseases which can easily be treated by the available drug as prescribed. The activity is all that demanding that it requires the researcher to take part of his or her time analyzing and research and making adequate recommendation concerning the report and its usefulness.
The audience that needs to be informed about the usage of the drug is the community at large by means of either media or writing some articles concerning the research and enable them understand the benefits of the drug and the proper usage.
It is believed that at this stage, the pre-launch is a stage where the product is considered to be “virtual”. This may help the users to make good choices in the kind of products they use.
Work cited
Arora, Richa, and Nitin R. Mahankale. Marketing Research. Delhi: PHI Learning, 2013. Print.
Van, Hamersveld M. Market Research Handbook. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2007. Internet resource.