What is the definition of hybrid system? Could you give an example of one?
Hybrid systems - Mathematical models of control systems in which the continuous dynamics generated at each time one of the a priori given set of continuous systems, punctuated with discrete operations, the serving team or a momentary switch from one system to another, or on the instant to set the current restructuring coordinates on the different coordinates, or on both simultaneously. Hybrid system dynamics is an alternating combination of continuous dynamics with discrete. Continuous and discrete components of the system may include some parameters influencing the behavior of the system. This systems are used to keep track of logic-dynamic controllers or internet congestions.
When does an audit trail begin?
Audit Trail is a chronological sequence of audit records that contain evidence of data changes as a result of a business process or system function. Audit records typically result from activities such as: individual operation or message, system report, balance change or others.
Should execution of a signature be audit trailed?
Yes, execution of a signature must be audit trailed. Organizations must audit trail for data and textual information.
Are e-mails controlled documents?
No, e-mails are not controlled documents.
What is GxP?
GxP - (Good X Practice) is a general term for effective practice as guidelines and rules. These good practices are used in many fields, including the pharmaceutical and food industry. GxP represents the abbreviations of these names, where x (a common symbol for the variable) represents the specific descriptor. "C" or "C" is sometimes added to the beginning of abbreviation. In the previous "C" stands for "current". For example, from the acronym for "current Good Manufacturing Practices". GMP is the most famous example of GxP.
What is SDLC? List Phases of SDLC
SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. A Software Development Life Cycle is essentially a series of steps, or phases, that provide a model for the development and lifecycle management of an application or piece of software (DuPaul, 2014). List of Phases of SDLC: Training, requirements and design, construction, testing, release, respond.
What are Regression, System, Integration and User Acceptance Testing?
Regression test – tests are performed when new changes have been done to the system. Test make sure that there is no new bugs with the new system changes.
System test - process research, test demonstrate that the program meets the requirements and identify situations in which the behavior of the program is incorrect, inappropriate or not relevant specifications
Integration test - one of the phases of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. Usually, integration testing is conducted after unit testing and precedes system testing.
User Acceptance Testing - testing that is carried out to check for compliance with the requirements of the customer.
What is Defect Tracking?
Defect Tracking is applications developed with the aim to help software developers (programmers, testers, and others.) To integrate and manage bugs and problems found in the programs, customer feedback, and follow the process to eliminate these errors, and whether, or not wish.
What are the Test and/or Validation Deliverables?
The results of the execution quality control process are validated deliverables. Validated deliverables tell you that the deliverable has been checked for completeness and correctness. Validated deliverables are output of the Perform Quality Control process and they are input to the Verify Scope Process (Pmi.org, 2014).
What are IQ, OQ and PQ?
Installation Qualification: in this step checks for proper installation of engineering and technological equipment, compliance with installation requirements of installation and maintenance documentation on this type of equipment.
Operation Qualification: consist in verifying the functionality of the basic elements of management, control parameters of the systems and their conformity with the design data.
Performance Qualification: is an assessment of performance of a qualifying equipment. At this stage, the equipment being tested for evidence that the manufacturing process it will operate properly and using it possible to obtain a product of the desired quality.
What is Ad Hoc Testing?
Ad Hoc Testing is also known as Monkey Testing, is a method of software testing without any planning and documentation. The tests are conducted informally and randomly without any formal expected results (Softwaretestingfundamentals.com, 2014).
What is Agile Testing?
Methods of approaches to software development, focused on the use of iterative development, the formation of dynamic requirements and ensure their implementation as a result of continuous interaction within the self-organizing working groups composed of experts in various fields.
What is Data Flow Diagram?
Data flow diagram is called graphical methodology of structural analysis, describing the external to the system, data sources and destinations, logical functions, data flows and data stores, to be accessed. One of the main tools of structural analysis and design of information systems that existed before the widespread UML.
What is Quality Assurance?
This process or result of the formation of the desired properties and characteristics of the product as it is being created, and - maintaining these characteristics during storage, transportation and maintenance products. Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.
What is Test Plan?
A Software Test Plan is a document describing the testing scope and activities. It is the basis for formally testing any software/product in a project (Softwaretestingfundamentals.com, 2011).
DuPaul, N. (2014). Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Veracode. Retrieved 14 November 2014, from http://www.veracode.com/security/software-development-lifecycle
Pmi.org,. (2014). PMBOK Guide & Standards | Project Management Institute. Retrieved 14 November 2014, from http://www.pmi.org/PMBOK-Guide-and-Standards.aspx
Softwaretestingfundamentals.com,. (2014). Ad hoc Testing | Software Testing Fundamentals. Retrieved 14 November 2014, from http://softwaretestingfundamentals.com/ad-hoc-testing/
Softwaretestingfundamentals.com,. (2011). Test Plan | Software Testing Fundamentals. Retrieved 14 November 2014, from http://softwaretestingfundamentals.com/test-plan/