Media Ethics
The integration of the electronic media has affected our daily life globally. Tools applying in the electronic media offer a mechanism to communicate effectively without the limitations of geographical distances. Electronic media enables interactions between different cultures worldwide. Web based forums such as YouTube enable users to interact online and share information. It is crucial to maintaining professional boundaries in the environment of electronic communication. The limitation of an effective framework in this environment is due to lack of clear and defined interaction as well as the rules of engagement. It is possible for people to violate professional Code of Ethics unintentionally.
The electronic media has the manifest of breach of confidentiality and attracts hefty sanctions. The principle of confidentiality has a good establishment with the legal framework to ensure proper interaction in the electronic media environment. Some of the issues in electronic media include the use of abuse and violent language. The international system enforces on a rating system on the motions to enable the adherence of ethical guidelines and legislation in YouTube. Most of the product placement in the entertainment media has no regulation defining the display of branded products. Entertainment media applies stereotypes and this behavior can affect people in a negative way by promoting anti-social behavior in the society. Entertainment media questions concern the enforcement of moral values and protect media ethics in the case of conflict between the norms and the demands of the audience. Ethical issues sprout in the absence of norms that rely on the moral values. The transformation of media revolution enables citizens to participate in publishing while the internet permits media personality that are interactive and deliver instant information.
The media ecology transforms into chaos that continues to evolve in a fast pace. As in every revolution, new possibilities emerge as old practices are in threat. Globally, the media has mixed news media due to the news media citizen and the professional journalism with a wide array of media platforms. The news mixed news media demand a new mixed media ethics to apply to professional and amateur alike as they use YouTube. The media requires a rethinking and reinvention to support the latest inventions. The challenge of foundation of the media ethics depends on principles such as objectivity. The new ethical issues that occur with the rise of new image technology in YouTube bear photographs and videos. Professionals and armatures have an easy way to capture and transmit images through wireless technology and network links. Professionals and armatures benefit from the new technologies to alter and manipulate the images. The convergence of the easiness to capture, easiness of manipulation, and easiness of transmission enables the development of the non-digital capture to enable the transmission of pictures and videos. The issue that arises is whether the newsrooms can trust the sources of easily obtained image from the amateurs and professional journalists.
Consequently, another issue that arises is whether a professional journalist can use technology to alter a photograph such as altering the slight tone of color. Any alternations by the photojournalist can mislead the viewers and that constitute an unethical practice. The law provides a thin line between making a technical change to enhance the color of the photo and the original image during an event. Some editors provide that it is possible to alter the images on the cover of fashion magazines to attract buyers while browsing the magazine stands.
Moral Issues
Historically, all the philosophical discussions concerning moral responsibility focus on the human components to enable moral action. The accounts that ascribe to the moral responsibility describe the human agents to define and direct resolutions. In the present-day increasing technological society, human activity is yet to come with the technological devices since they have complications due to ascribing to the moral responsibility.
As people interact with the technological appliances, they affect decisions that people make. They facilitate human cognitive processes such as actions and attitudes while preventing other processes. The internet search engines use a certain order to affect the way users view items. Technological devices act as mediators so as to shape the character of human action in the conventional notions of distributing moral responsibility. Computing aids one in the understanding of the impact of technology in relation to the moral responsibility.
The process of automation involves other decision-making processes to transform how people communicate and view each other. Processes of automation complicate other tasks that attribute to the moral responsibility. The growing realm of technology comes with other add on complexities and opportunities to the question the person responsible for publishing information on the internet. One questions the person responsible for the electronic records in case of errors contained.
Systematic way of moral problem solving
The individual or organizational success depends on the ability to make the best decisions at all times. Decision-making is one of the components in the problem-solving process among others. After defining the problem to identify the one gather information to enable in the evaluation process. Problem solving process entails a systematic way to eliminate faults between the actual and expected results. To be able to solve problems one acknowledges the existence of the problem and endeavors to select the best outcome from many feasible choices. A rational problem-solving approach has the following steps, problem awareness, problem definition, decision- making, the implementation stage, and follow-through.
Problem Awareness
In the problem awareness, stage managers look out for a potential problem by maintaining an open channel of communication. It works to enable the process of making comparison between the current plans and the experiences. This process enables one to establish trust in the process of discovering the problem and acknowledging own contribution. It leads to management clarifying the objectives by assessing the current situation and finally in the problem identification.
Problem Definition
In problem definition stage, an attempt to solve the problem depends on the ability to identify a problem properly. Lack of information inhibits the adequate alternatives to solve a problem. This stage enables analyzing the problem to identify any incorrect assumptions before arrival at a decision that will lead to the implementation of the action plan. Failure to employ accuracy in problem identification can impede the application that can lead to a good solution.
The decision –making stage entails taking a course of action from the several list of alternatives. The criteria for making decision have attributes such as specificity, measurability, achievable, relevance, and time scale. A decision has to meet the following threshold: A decision must complement one another not to reduce the likelihood of achieving another. Any decision should adhere to the consideration of morals in the framework of the society. A decision is workable once the parties involved accept the problem. One should develop action alternatives by making assessments on the potential benefits to make commitments. One must focus in the future so as to ascertain the benefits and risk of alternatives. The tendency to have an oversight can lead to negative effects of a preferred solution. Upon evaluation of alternatives, one can decide on a plan by eliminating unclear or unsatisfactory alternatives one selects superior alternatives while, in some situations, it is important to rectify the additional alternatives. A decision-making grid enables one to select the best solution one that will offer maximum benefits and reduced risks and operational costs.
The action implementation stage establishes a connection with effective decision alternatives accomplishes to the tasks and responsibilities. At this stage, one establishes an implementation schedule to partake two activities the assigning of tasks and establishment of the implementation schedule. In the activity of assigning tasks and responsibilities, it is crucial to clarify in speech and in writing the duty of every individual to ensure the success of the action plan. Assigning tasks will also reduce misunderstandings by specifying the essential duties of everyone. In the activity of implementation of the schedule, it is crucial to allocate each task enough time for completion. Establish a priority list and a reasonable time to complete every task. One can use a Gantt-chart to develop and define an action plan. The appropriateness of a Gantt-chart lies in the defining of goals and the setting the completion dates based on the required time so as to complete every activity.
Follow-thorough stage
The last stage is the follow-through in the stage the manager develops and maintains everyone’s positive attitude during the implementation process. One should visualize the position of the implementers to understand their feelings. Ensure that all the resources are provided. Establish a criterion to measure success and monitor the results obtained. Apply the benchmarks for measuring the criteria developed in the action-planning stage.
Moral problem in electronic media
The electronic frontier has cultural transformation to enable breathtaking developments in digital communication. New electronic media offers a new way of interacting socially to translate to ethical and political threats. Digital electronic media connects users through the internet and enables collaboration in the information economy. The changing work habits in the electronic information culture steers an inclination to a collaborative cyberspace environment. Digital communication leads to the creation of virtual communities since computer networks brings up groups with similar interest to enable them share a virtual place to foster human activities. The electronic culture disregards property rights and the legal claim to copyright. Users of the electronic culture tend to assume that the moral and the legal right towards the control of disseminating intellectual property disappear in this era of electronic culture. The cyberspace does not have a legal framework that can steer the maintenance of moral and legal rights in print media. The explosive growth of electronic communication has some ethical and legal issues such as the right to privacy, violent language, and fraudsters. The new media environment does not have secure constitutional rights towards privacy and free speech. The new media environment takes for granting users constitutional rights. The ever-growing mass media indispensability that reaches out to different social groups forces all the cultures to fit in the media message given their disparities. The techno-logic of the mass media reaches all people simultaneously with the same message. Political economies have a mandate to ensure maximum control or maximum profit.The software is a symbolic transmission of culture since it follows the hardware..