Leopold Bloom is displayed as a thirty eight year old character married to one lady whom she loves so much. Leaving in Ireland in the early 1900, he was facing nepotism issues as he was from another nationality. His father was Hungarian hence making him to be seen as a Hungarian. In most of the times, it is noted that he is excluded from most of the time from socializing with his friends due to his nationality. He is seen to suffer and undergo insularity of the Irish throughout the poem, but he does not seem to be minded by these. Unlike his friends, he is not to like gossiping and spending the nights in bars drinking. He has a set of principles of which he is seen to observe and follow strictly. He is seen to be a loving husband, in the poem; it is written that he makes and takes breakfast to his wife who is still asleep in bed. This shows the level of affection that he has for his family. Also during the funeral, he remembers his father and son who were dead and feels the pain of losing them showing his affection for them. No matter how long ago it was, Bloom still remembers how it felt like losing his father and son. Bloom is displayed as a character that is mature and handles issues in a good way. It is shown that Bloom has the ability of finding ways to cheer himself up. He is seen to avoid thinking of depressing topics at all costs. Bloom is seen to appreciate the fact that other men admire his wife. Bloom had a beautiful and hardworking wife. As one goes through the poem, one notice that Bloom is compassionate not only to animals but also to humans. The height of this is seen as he helps a pregnant woman in the course of the poem. The writer is seen to have given him an ironic character, in his action; he can be depicted to famine. His capacity to empathize with other, compassion and acting as a mother and father to Stephen makes him the Hero of the novel.
Bloom in the Ulysses can be depicted as Odysseus of the Odyssey. Both can be seen to demonstrate a strong character filled with bravery. As Bloom struggles to fit in Ireland where he is seen to be an outcast, Odysseus is seen to persevere while in the island with Calypso. Both struggle to maintain their sanity in foreign lands. Both characters are also seen to display strong affection to their wives. Bloom is seen to have served his wife breakfast in bed and also feels good when other men admire his wife. On the other hand, Odysseus is seen to think of his wife and son all the time while in the island. He is seen to be trying to figure out of ways to go back and be with his family. Both seem to be affectionate to their wives as they show great love to them. They are seen to be compassionate as they both seem to cater for the needs of the poor and the less fortunate in the same magnitude.
Bloom is depicted to be more feminine as opposed to Odysseus, who is depicted as a brave man. The difference between the two characters is displayed thought the two stories like the two characters as shown to portray different traits. Bloom is portrayed as a social person but does not love to indulge in parties as compared to Odysseus who after finally, relieved himself to his people and threw a drinking party for them to celebrate his homecoming.
Good Essay About The Ulysses
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"Good Essay About The Ulysses." WowEssays, Mar 30, 2020. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://www.wowessays.com/free-samples/good-essay-about-the-ulysses/
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"Good Essay About The Ulysses," Free Essay Examples - WowEssays.com, 30-Mar-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wowessays.com/free-samples/good-essay-about-the-ulysses/. [Accessed: 06-Mar-2025].
Good Essay About The Ulysses. Free Essay Examples - WowEssays.com. https://www.wowessays.com/free-samples/good-essay-about-the-ulysses/. Published Mar 30, 2020. Accessed March 06, 2025.