Carbon taxation, in order to have clear position about this issue we must have a proper understanding of the problem and the offered solution. It is clear to everyone that the Green House Gases have caused a severe damage to our environment and will be one of the most dangerous threatening factors of our future if not controlled. The GHGs produced in result of burning different types of carbohydrate fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal; consist of Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, etc. However, the main GHG causing global warming in such a sever way is CO2. It is a heat trapping gas and thus it is mainly in center of attention, and the carbon taxation is exactly pointing at the amount of the CO2 produced.
But how “Carbon Taxation” may help stop global warming?
As already mentioned GHGs are the main reason of global warming, so any factor causing a reduction in production of these gases, mainly CO2, will be helpful to stop global warming. Carbon taxation is a program that puts a determined tax, which obliges anyone who produces CO2, to pay it to the government. This way any process that produces carbon dioxide is not as profitable as before, therefore, using other sources of energy that are more environmentally friendly will become more profitable and gradually it will lead to switch to green sources of energy.
In general, I think that each single aspect of carbon taxation may need more work or even changes, maybe in some regions the taxation does not need to be aggressive at all, meanwhile in some other regions it needs to be very strict. However, the fact that this method is useful to reduce the amount of GHG emissions is logical to me and I think we must stick to it. We should remember that such taxation is being used in several countries; for sure, they have many things that we could use too, so we must be open to learning from them.
Finally, I think this program just like any other program for reforming a wrong structure will cause some difficulties for all parts of the society. But it’s clear that we have been on a wrong path and if we do not change it no matter how hard it is, it will lead to our destruction.
No pain No gain, we have to make this change to survive.