Child care services have become famous due increase in the number of women being employed. Thus working parents have found it necessary to equip their children with basic knowledge that can prepare them before joining school. However, the cost of child care service have proven to be expensive for most working parents because it exceeds the cost of other basic needs like food, housing, tuition and college (Mooney, 107). Moreover, the child care expense comes most of the time when the family can least afford the cost. It is, of great necessity for the concerned authorities and stakeholder to come up with a solution that will help curb child care services cost. The paper intends to recommend solutions to help reduce the cost of child care to an affordable level.
Though child care is that expensive to most working parent there are some possible solutions like having multiple arrangements with other families experiencing the same problem? Multiple arrangement includes families sharing having a single nanny then sharing the total cost, this reduces the final cost. Another recommendation is for parent to employ flex care. Flex care, this is where parent must strive hard to balance work, house chore and taking care of the children. An instance is when parents work at night and does some child care at day time then hiring a nanny; the plan reduces the total cost of child care, hence makes it affordable. The first two recommendations are in line with Cecilia idea of non-profit program practiced after classes in the gym. However, it is of great necessity for the government to employ policies that will aid family's access affordable child care for their children; this will ensure healthy development and child safety in the country.
Work Cited
Mooney. A & Statham .J Family Day Care: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Quality Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2003)