Christianity is one of the Abrahamic religious biased on the teachings of the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins, was buried to offer salvation to all those who receive him by faith. This is according to first Corinthians 15:1-4. The Christian beliefs differ from all the other Abrahamic religion as it emphasizes more about the relationship between God and man while others religions emphasize on rules.
Christians believe that once they were slaves to sin but the blood the Jesus Christ after his death on the cross forgives their sins. Jesus paid the price for forgiveness hence there is nothing else a Christian can do to please God. The only way to please God is by creating a good relationship with him. This relationship is by trying constantly to apply God’s word in their daily lives and allowing the Holy Spirit control their undertaking.
The church must be built on some belief; the churchmen need a constant refresher on belief and commitment to their God. Both the creed and the sermon on the mountain are useful in defining the nature of God and Christ. The two pose a serious conflict. They attempt to explain who God is, the sermon on the mountain teaches love and compassion to all peoples while on the other side the creed shows a wicked and senseless God. A God, who has cursed the human race and has devoted his son to sacrifice and subjected a part of the humanity to torment,. It is hence difficult to believe that he is a loving God. The two are not commonly read together. It is common practice to recite the creed in most of the religious sects (Society News: The International Medieval Sermon Society, Linacre College Oxford, 2007).
Humans being hence need to live to show love and compassion to all the people and avoid the wrath of God through avoiding falling to sin and live by his word.
Society News: The International Medieval Sermon Studies Society, Linacre College Oxford. (2007). Medieval Sermon Studies, 51(1), pp.5-7.