Sponsor: Donor funding from well-wishers
Executive Summary
Cities all around the globe have continually witnessed high population growth in the past decade. This has resulted in prevalence in the growth of slum dwellings inhabited by the poor (Kanis et al, 323). These dwellings are unsafe and susceptible to natural calamities. Hence, there is a pressing need for the construction of decent housing especially for the poor. This project will oversee the construction at least 30 decent houses for the poor in Denver, at a cost not exceeding $200,000 over a 5 month period.
Project Scope Statement
This project is to build quality, custom houses for the poor beginning the month of February 2016. Its completion will see the provision of at least 30 decent houses for the poor in Denver. The houses will be constructed at a cost not exceeding $200,000. They will be constructed and completed over a period of 5 months with the help of an architect, beneficiary families and the community at large.
Product Description
This project will be fruitful if constructed within budget. Also, its completion will ensure the provision of 30 decent homes for the poor in Denver.
The following personnel will be required to complete this building project:
An architect to provide a design of the house.
A supervisor to help guide construction activities.
Volunteers from the families and the community who will benefit from the project.
Works Cited
Kanis, Rebecca, et al. "An end to chronic homelessness: An introduction to the 100,000
homes campaign." Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 23.1 (2012): 321-326.