Fairchild Water Technologies should adopt a market entry strategy that costs the company less capital and ends up maximizing many profits in the long-term.
Recommended market entry mode
The most recommended market entry mode for Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc is the joint venture using the. Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc should first conduct the field-testing and product recommendations process for the period of six months. The test plays an important role in identifying business opportunities in the Indian market and establishing procedures that would help the company take advantage of them. The testing period also assists the company in identifying the best Indian-based company for the joint venture. The joint venture business entry strategy will incur Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc higher costs regarding financial investments and annual fixed costs; the company will enjoy benefits of longer warranty periods and high performances. Additionally, the joint venture entry strategy gives Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc some control over manufacturing and distribution of the product and takes part in decision-making processes.
Recommended pricing strategy
Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc should adopt skimming pricing strategy in India. The skimming pricing strategy allows the organization to produce superior, high-performing, and high-quality products. The strategy works well with a new product like Delight because it has unique features and has a higher performance compared to competing brands.
Recommended product positioning strategy
Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc’s product positioning should focus on ensuring consumers understand the importance of using the product through effective promotions, creating public awareness, and road shows. The company should sell their products through recognized dealers to reduce the cost of paying commission and create brand recognition.
Chatterjee recommendation to Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc on the market opportunity in India
India is the best place for marketing Fairchild Water Technologies, Inc’s product because present competitors’ products are less effective compared to Delight purification technologies. The management should make efforts towards entering the Indian market because the organization can easily realize the returns on investment within ten years of operation upon adopting effective marketing and positioning strategies.