The writer from page 150 begins by saying that sojourners hailing from New Orleans who used to drive in the afternoon would on several occasions spot two or three houses which had a beautiful and fantastic architectural features that helped them draw the attention of the public. Then there is also the aspect of religion whereby Creole is defined as a religious and also true to issue facing her and also fearless in expressing his empathy and sorrow for the an American invader who had been born in horror only to find himself sandwiched by hatred and a world of discrimination. The writer also talks a house that had been in existence for close to one hundred and fifty year which had been the residence of an elderly captain. The house stood among orange trees and no one had ever taken or touched anything in that compound because the owner had been on duty in France. The paradox of this house is that despite all those years of existence her best child had become a disappointment and a source of anger.
The society is also illustrated in terms of class.”The clans classified easily into three groups: there were those who boiled, those who stewed, and those who merely steamed under a close cover.”(George 153). The writer further states that the men that fell in the first and two groups were those that held positions under the aged Spanish commissions who had always expected to be displaced and eventually evicted. The writer also talks of those who were streaming which were just a small portion of the family. “The steaming ones were a goodly fraction of the family, the timid, the apathetic, and the “conservative”. The conservatives found ease better that exactitude, the trouble of thinking great, the agony of deciding harrowing.” (George153).Another character that is brought out is Jose Martinez who has a wonderful dark hair and fantastic white blows. She is very commanding confidence in everything she does. She is also very calm and gentle and also a woman full of dignity. These characteristics are in total contrast when compared to those of the matrons she stays with. The writer also talks of how surprising it is to discover that she is Honore’s mother and the thought that she can be harsh.” And in turning your sight is glad to rest again on the again on the face of Honore’s mother. You see this time that she is his mother, by a charm you had overlooked, a candid, serene and lovable smile. It is the wonder of those who see that smile that she can ever be harsh (George 155).
The writer also talks of the pain and humiliation Honore went through as a result of abuse from the uncle. He also says that he stood there very frightened and could not utter a word. “It was painful to see the young man’s face as speechless he received this abuse. He stood pale and frightened with a smile playing about his mouth, half o distress and of defiance, that said as a smile could say, ‘uncle Agricola, you will have to pay for this mistake.”(George 157). After the old man had finished talking Sylvester then turned and took a glance at Valentine Grandissime and then walk past the group that had surrounded Agricola and found his way to the house.
George Washington Cable. The Grandissimes. A story of Creole Life.1887
After closely reading this novel I find it focusing on New Orleans through the analogy of an outsider in place where aliens are despised and looked down upon. Frowenfeld with German-American origin migrates with his family to Louisiana. Even before settling down they are attacked by a fever and he had to look for means and ways of overcoming the tribulations on they were facing.
I also find that Honore and others like Frowenfeld, their consciousness and questioning are ways of downplaying the believe that the traditional practices usually trumps on issues of morality in respect to money and also racial justice. Acting on Frowenfeld’s advice, Honore forms a collaboration with older people like his half brother. This collaboration is a way and means of severing Honore from his family and also seeks to weaken the conviction of endorsing the racial oppression being experienced and practiced in that area. This novel also lays a lot of emphasis to the history and also the past experiences of the plantation slaves. This novel can be used a perfect reference point as regards to the issue of racial discrimination and relations in America. The artistic nature of this particular novel depicts the world as place that has been engulfed with moral complexities as well regional peculiarity. For many months and years the citizens of the area and also the slaves faced challenges in respect to their social rights, beliefs and also their arrangement.
Work cited
George Washington Cable. The Grandissimes. A story of Creole Life.1887