The current paper is devoted to the analysis of entertainment, political, and general surveys. Three types of surveys were compared to each other from statistical perspective. Own general opinion survey was created and the results of this survey were analyzed and explained.
There were three articles chosen for analysis of different types of surveys namely: entertainment, political, and general surveys. The first research conducted by Macnab (2013) relates selling movies, the second research conducted by Newport (2012) relates voting, and the third survey conducted by Gallup (2013) relates the research of relationships between employees’ engagement and performance.
Part 1 Survey Analysis
- Analysis of Entertainment Survey
The first survey was conducted by Universal UK and highlighted by Macnab (2013). The survey related the potential for movies to be put and sold on DVD. The exact number of participants is unknown since Macnab (2013) stated that “the participants were people across Britain”. The evaluation of the correct number of participants cannot be conducted without knowing the exact number of participants. The survey helped reveal the movies that can improve people lives and increase their self-esteem.
- Analysis of Political Survey
The political survey is based on clearly stated sample with age and residence identification: “Results are based on telephone interviews conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking April 11-May 24, 2012, with a random sample of 43,352 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia” (Newport, 2012). The district of Columbia estimated 632,323 of population in 2012 therefore the sample made up 6.9% of the general population that can be considered a statistically significant number. The results of election polls can influence the results of election. For example, female veterans living in Columbia district might vote for Romney influenced by the results of the poll instead of Obama.
- Analysis of General Survey
The general survey related employee engagement presents more reliable source of information in comparison to entertainment survey conducted by Macnab (2013). The report of Gallup contains more formal information stating that “the survey has been administered to more than 25 million employees in 189 different countries and 69 languages” and “researchers studied 49,928 business/work units, including nearly 1.4 million employees” thus presenting more concrete data related the subject of the research (Gallup, 2013). It is difficult to access sample size compared to the population of 189 countries mentioned. However, 1.4 employees surveyed made up 0.44% of 317 million of the USA citizens. It is difficult to evaluate the representativeness of the sample since representativeness is defined by the quality of the sample rather than the its number (Larson and Farber, 2011). Meanwhile, the numbers are impressive and can be used to form certain public opinion. For example, the opinion related “relationship between employee engagement and performance outcomes that the organization supplied” that influence employees’ perception of the situation and reactions.
- Overall Survey Analysis
The political survey appeared to be the most appropriate among the three surveys presented because sample size was known and made up 6.9% in comparison to the entertainment survey when sample size was unknown and to the general survey when sample made up only 0.44% of the total population. Thus, the results of the political survey appeared to be the most valid since they are based on more carefully collected data. According to Larson and Farber (2011) “a sample usually depends on the context of the real-life situation” meaning the samples should be carefully selected. For example, if it was stated that a sample consists of all adults in a region, it may mean that this sample was made of those who were surveyed with the help of telephone calls, thus, a sample consists of those adults having mobile telephones not adding to objectivity of the research.
Part 2 Application
For the purposes of the current research a questionnaire of 3 questions was created and distributed to 20 participants. The cop of General Opinion Survey that was created is enclosed to the current paper in Appendix A. The results of the survey are shown in charts (Appendices B-D). The first chart (Appendix B) shows the results of the most recent experience of the customers that interacted with the Company X: equal number of respondents (15%) found it was poor experience, stated it was “satisfactory” to some extent, and “very satisfactory”. Also, 30% found their experience “average” and 25% - “superior". The results of this survey allow understand the extent of customer satisfaction with the services or products provided by the Company X.
The majority of the customers that interacted with the Company X found ability of the Company X to resolve problems “average” (30%), 25% of them argued that the Company X resolved their issues “very satisfactory”, 20% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the ability of the Company X to resolve their issues, 15% considered their experience “very poor”, and 10% found their experience “superior”. These results can help Company X evaluate ability of the Company X to resolve customers’ problems, make appropriate conclusions and improve their services and products (Appendix C).
The third chart (Appendix D) shows customer satisfaction with the product they purchased: equal number of participants consider that the product they purchased is either “very poor”, “somewhat satisfactory’ or “average” (20% each category), 25% fond the product “very satisfactory”, and 15% of the respondents argued it was “superior”. It means that maybe the product is of bad quality or is positioned in the wrong segment or needs revision. In general, the main problem of the Company X is product that should be either repositioned or revised.
Appendix A General Opinion Survey
General Opinion Survey
Dear Customer,
As the manager of [Company Name], I want to thank you for being able to serve you. Please, take a couple of minutes of your time to answer several questions about the service that you have received that would help us serve you better.
- Please, evaluate your most recent experience with [Company Name]:
- Very poor
- Somewhat unsatisfactory
- Average
- Very satisfactory
- Superior
- The process for resolving your concerns was:
- Very poor
- Somewhat unsatisfactory
- Average
- Very satisfactory
- Superior
- How satisfied were you with the [Product Name] you purchased:
- Very poor
- Somewhat unsatisfactory
- Average
- Very satisfactory
- Superior
Thank you for participating in this survey!
We sincerely appreciate your honest opinion. Your opinion will be taken into consideration while providing products and services in the future.
Appendix B Results Summarizing Answers to the Question 1
Appendix C Results Summarizing Answers to the Question 2
Appendix D Results Summarizing Answers to the Question 3
Gallup (2013). State of the American workplace. Retrieved from http://www.gallup.com/strategicconsulting/163007/state-american-workplace.aspx
Larson, R. and Farber, B. (2011). Elementary statistics: picturing the world. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Macnab, G. (2013). Poll reveals the power of movies and how they change lives. Retrieved from http://www.dailymercury.com.au/news/poll-reveals-power-movies-and-how-they-change-live/1866914/
Newport, F. (2012). Veterans give Romney big lead over Obama. Retrieved from http://www.gallup.com/poll/154904/veterans-give-romney-big-lead-obama.aspx