Ideology and ideograph commonly in political discourse are concepts that are mostly used to have support for political positions. The words used in such cases do not have meanings that are clear but then they are used to bring out the impression of clear meaning.
Michael Calvin McGee used this term in a more clear way. He claimed that many people used the term without knowing its meaning clearly as a synonym for doctrine in political organizations. When human beings are put together they think and behave differently than when they are separated from each other (Mc Gee p.120). Collective people have a mind of their own different from each individual, according to many writers the possibility of the mind lies qua individual. And whenever a person thinks or behaves in a collective way then it means that person has been tricked manipulated or self-deluded to accept the mind of the public and other people’s opinions. According to symbolists the trick is a voluntary agreement be part of and believe in a myth. Materialists say that the trick a reified lie. They are beliefs that have been foisted on almost all the members of the society by the people who rule them. Ideology however assumes that being exposed to falsity is just but a moral act. It is moral because of the fact that it’s a poetic phenomenon.
A symbolist talks of myth in a value free approach to the study where one denies lie is another name for myth. On the other hand materialists use the concept ideology to warrant claims that are normative regarding the exploitation of some class of people.
However in his theory his main concerned was power. Where a group of people want to control the masses using their influence. Whenever a norm was said by the people in power then it became a baneful seduction and if any member of the class that was being ruled was tricked by such arguments then the person was said to possess an ideology and was in a position to be exploited.
For the trick of the mind to be to be understood a model of that does not deny the human capacity to control power by use of symbols or Marx basic question of the influence that power has on coming up and maintaining political consciousness. According to Marx the issue of consciousness is basically normative and practical. Mainly concerned with evaluating and describing the public motives legitimacy. According to him a member who is free in the society is the member of the elite group.
This paper tries to find out where and how the fascination of film is put into use by already existing fascinations. The film tries to interfere with the already existing morals in the society about sex and sexuality. Sychonalytic theory has extensively been used in this film as a political weapon indicating the way the unconscious of the patriarchal society has structured the forms of films (Mc Gee p.120). It is of great importance to understand what the cinema has been all about and the impact it has had in the past on people as it attempts the theory and the practice which will give a challenge to the past.
The ideograph depicts the interiority of an ideology that is rhetorically articulated, this provides window on how an orator is able to develop his own “planet” and envisage the audience that is anticipating a presentation from him or her. In the United States (US), civil and political life there are core beliefs that we often maintain, which are: liberty is for everyone, freedom, parity, and security. Therefore, any time when there exists a political intrigue that infringes or has some influence on these beliefs a social response to its more often than not expected to be resolved. In other words, ideographs in society tend to affirm the civilian reaction or behavior towards a particular issue in question.
Moreover, it is true to assert that ideographs have a collective meaning that is gained and developed over a certain period of time and it has been cultured as a way of life. Consequently, ideographs can be envisaged as a voice that is able to sway and change an opinion of a particular belief within the society.
In linking ideographs often tend to incline toward creating joint consonant effect, in which a single ideograph dominates the others. Several ideographic clusters tends to reorganize themselves to accommodate particular circumstances whereas maintaining consonance as well as unity. As a result, ideographs and ideographic clusters can be used in rhetoric body which originates from radical group and its members and new supporters. More so ideographic clusters as well as ideographs can be used to tender an effective terminologies that political leaders among others could use in event there is public resistance towards social economic problem such as a terrorist attack and security of its citizens. 4in reviewing the developments from the clip “Return of the Gaze”, the use of particular words as well as phrases in political language in a manner in which it creates a a specific ideological position. However in this particular case, the clip depicts a case in point in which the male gaze has been used to suggest the relationship in which feminine gender or object are envisaged for visual pleasure. Nonetheless, from the investigation in the film, the masculine gaze has not been potrayed as rather controlling or influential (Hitchcock & Mulvey p. 56). This occurs because Jefferies (the male character) obtains power by gazing, because of his restrained state and suggest to sue his eyes and legs of a lady in order to obtain knowledge of the investigation.
Therefore, in this case the ideographs depicts the interiority of an ideology that is rhetorically articulate, this provides window on how an orator is able to develop his or her own “plane” and envisage the audience that is anticipating a presentation from him or her (Mulvey & Mc Gee p. 112). This implies that a cinematic viewer somewhat restricted to movement as the Jeffries is during this film, and that the main belief of freedom, liberty seems to be limited to a person’s cause of action. When invoked with an opinion in the fill to try to find out what the lady Lisa is communicating through sign language, Jeffries invokes his opinion about what she is trying to communicate to them before being caught by the sight of the operator.
Mass consciousness is therefore formed from cluster of beliefs that we tend to formulate and once we become familiar with these beliefs, we form culture based on this beliefs in the society. This ends up developing an ideology that affects the perception of how the society views aspects of economic, political, and social influence with regard to development. For instance, using or developing a culture of practicing freedom of speech, would help in to influence positive aspects such as lobbying for better health care cover for every citizen in the country.
Work Cited
Larry Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema from Visual and other pleasure. (Bloomington)
Mc Gee, Michael CALVIN. Ideograph: A link between Rehtoric and ideology from Landmark Essays on Contemporray Rhetoric. ED. Thomas B. Farrrel (Mahwah, NJ: Hermagoras Press, 1988, pp.85-101.