[Institution Title]
Word Study Framework
Theme Topic: Animals
Comprehension Habit:
Vocabulary and Word Study Skill: (Review skill) Sensory process initial consonant clusters beginning with “ch” “sh” and “sn”. (Introduced skill) Identify beginning and ending consonant digraph, including consonant blends and digraphs.
Common Core Standard: CC.1.1.1.D: Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words:
- Identify common consonant diagraphs, final-e, and common vowel teams.
- Decode one and two-syllable words with common patterns.
Appendix A
Appendix B
Consonant Digraph
I can read words with s and h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Sh, sh, sh, sh, shop.
Sh, sh, sh, sh shake.
Sh, sh, sh, sh ship.
S and h make the sh sound!
I can read words with c and h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Ch, ch, ch, ch, chin.
Ch, ch, ch, ch, chop.
Ch, ch, ch, ch, chalk.
C and h make the ch sound!
I can read words with p and h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Ph, ph, ph, ph, phone.
Ph, ph, ph, ph, phase.
Ph, ph, ph, ph, graph.
P and h make the ph sound!
I can read words with t and h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Th, th, th, th, thick.
Th, th, th, th, think.
Th, th, th, th, thin.
T and h make the th sound!
I can read words with c and k.
Here is the sound that they make:
Ck, ck, ck, ck stick.
Ck, ck, ck, ck sock.
Ck, ck, ck ck puck.
C and k make the ck sound!
I can read words with w and h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Wh, wh, wh, wh, whale.
Wh, wh, wh, wh, whip.
Wh, wh, wh, wh, white.
W and h make the wh sound!
I can read words with t, c, h.
Here is the sound that they make:
Tch, tch, tch, tch, watch.
Tch, tch, tch, tch, switch.
Tch, tch, tch, tch, witch.
T, c, h makes the tch sound!
First School Year. (2014, December 11). Literacy: Word Consonant Diagraph. Retrieved from First School Year Website: http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/digraphs/digraphs.htm
Pennsylvania Department of Education. (2014, December 11). Pennsylvania Academic Standards. Retrieved from Pennsylvania Department of Education Website: http://www.pdesas.org/Standard/Views#106|14122|0|0
The Twenty Twelve Theme. (2014, December 11). Consonant Digraph. Retrieved from Songs to Teach Blog site: http://songstoteach.com/song-lyrics/reading-and-language-arts-songs/consonant-digraphs/