A number of people around the world suffer from different types of mental disorders. Mental disorder or mental illness refers to as a mental or behavioral pattern that result in anguish or a failure to function in ordinary. In addition, ‘mental disorder’ is a transformation of how one feel or experiences events in life that impede one’s capabilities of dealing with life’s stressors. There are many different factors that cause mental disorders in individuals. The causes of mental disorders vary and include genetics, life experiences, lifelong abuse, biological factors, brain damage, and substance abuse during pregnancy, and exposure to chemicals in the environment.
Different people handle the issue of mental disorder in many different ways. In addition, people with a mental disorder behave differently. In fact, there are more than two hundred different types of mental disorders. Some of these mental disorders range from depression, panic attacks, social anxiety, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive, drug addiction, and personality disorders. Both adults and children suffer from various types of mental disorders and as such the treatment range from medication to psychotherapy.
In children, the most common forms of mental disorders include behavioral disorders, attention deficit disorder or what is commonly called hyperactivity disorder, mood or anxiety disorder, and substance abuse. Researchers have pointed out that attention deficit disorder is common in children between the ages of three to seventeen years. Gender is a factor in the number of children who display this disorder as males are prone to attention deficit hyperactive disorder than females. However, girls tend to become depressed or use alcohol more than boys. These mental disorders are the results of the history of violence in the homes. Children who are depressed are likely to abuse substances at an early age, and this follows them throughout life. The fact is, the adolescent years are a stressful period and many adolescents find themselves going through changes that they cannot understand.
Adults also suffer through mental disorders throughout their lives. These disorders often manifest from the onset of childhood and continue or develop further with the passing of time. Mental disorder often leads to suicide. However, treatment can prevent the many cases of suicide associated with mental disorders. On the other hand, mental disorders can lead to psychosis and more importantly, schizophrenia or “split mind”. Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people turn inward and often lose touch with reality completely. In addition, many adults also suffer through the common mental disorder called panic attack where the heart rate increases drastically, and the feeling of a heart attack. Individuals with panic disorder cannot predict these attacks as they develop from powerful apprehension.
Neurosis, psychosis, and depression are mental disorders that have vivid symptoms; however, there are other mental disorders where the symptoms occasionally surface. There are quite serious. These disorders include personality disorders where a person has difficulty getting along others in every situation or some situations. A phobia, which is a form of neurosis, only occurs at specific times. On those specific occasions, the fear is so great that it interferes with the rational or reasonable thoughts and actions of the individual.
Everyone, at some point or the other, feels fear or become anxious about something. When the fear gets in the way of an individual’s ability to function daily, and then the individual suffers from neurosis. Neurosis causes physical symptoms which include uneven breathing, speeding of the heart rate and muscle pains. One example of neurosis is obsessive compulsive behavior is a mental disorder. This disorder is common in many people and can professional counseling helps to eliminate the disorder. Finally, anorexia and bulimia are two serious eating disorders that develop in the mind. Individuals suffer from the unreasonable fear of being overweight regardless of how little they weigh.
Borderline personality disorder is another type of mental disorder. It is described by a specific inclination to operate spontaneously. There is no contemplation of the final results. The mood of an individual with borderline disorder is impulsive. There is a sudden occurrence of emotion and powerlessness to manage the explosive behaviors. In addition, there is an inclination to become confrontational with others. Within this mental disorder, there is spontaneous behavior. This behavior reflects emotional volatility and lack of controlling one’s impulses and the borderline which is presents itself through disturbing goals, self-image, internal inclinations, through strong feelings of worthlessness, passionate and unbalanced interpersonal relationships, and self-destructive thoughts and actions which include suicide thoughts and attempts.
The reality is that the mental disorder impact on the way one thinks, behaves and feels. Mental disorders are similar to any other physical ailment, but the difference is that it is not visible. Even though mental disorders are widespread, the society continues to stigmatize and discriminate against individuals who have mental disorders. Nonetheless, those who have mental disorder should recognize that the disorder is treatable.
In concluding, mental disorders affect many individuals on a daily basis. Many people are unwilling to admit that they have difficulties facing their problems daily and this leads to mental disorders. Mental disorders vary according to the individual. It is not limited to a particular age group as both children and adults suffer from mental disorders. The fact is that social issues, family problems and medical problems contribute to the problem of mental disorders. Counseling, support groups and family members can help those who suffer from mental disorders.
Psych Central. (2013). Panic Attack Symptoms. Psych Central. Retrieved on June 1, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/disorders/panic-attack-symptoms/