With the changes in the society, innovative technology serves as an important part of the present society as it helps in developing new ways to carry out innovative tasks. But, some critics note that innovative technology is destroying the world and people in some ways, it is beneficial for the people and the world because it is saving, curing, and changing our old world into a world full with enjoyments and happiness. There are a number of benefits to technology and Ceniza-Levine’s article “Technology Innovations Improving The Lives of the Everyday Worker” will allow the researcher gain access to the way in which modern websites benefits persons in the society. The research is designed to examine the importance of technology to the society and to find out the extent to which innovative technology harm or does not harm the society. To examine if innovative technology is harmful to the society, I narrowed the general question to find out if the benefits of innovative technology outweighs the harm that innovative technology brings to the society.
The research will seek to determine the types of technology that are beneficial to human being and the world right at present; discover the ways in which the society is helping to reduce the damages caused by innovative technology; to examine a world that is void on innovative technology; and to analyze the ways in which the society responds to the dangers and benefits of innovative technology. To find answers to these research questions, I will use the qualitative and quantitative methodology that includes using analysis of historical reports on the history of the changes in innovative the technology and questionnaire surveys and interviews to assess the views of approximately 100 Internet users via the Internet and another 100 participants from the university.
Data Collection Procedure
The methodology employed will attempt to explore the aims of the research and to prove or to disprove the four research questions. The first research method will be a review of literature which looks at the historical background of the changes in the technology and the types of innovative technology that create negative and positive changes in the society. This method will help to strengthen the literature review. The method will allow the researcher to assess the changes in technology in the last two decades. In addition, the second element of methodology will take a case study approach that look specifically at the leading technology in the society and the growth and development associated with these technology. The case study will facilitate data on the changes in technology in the past twenty years.
Database and sources
I will also use books, newspaper, websites, and academic journal articles from Cybernetics and Informatics data base to help to gather the data. The data contains specific information that relates to the innovation in technology and the types of technology that can harm and benefit the users. The databases will also provide reviews of the achievements of the theories on innovations and the access to product differentiation (Zalewski & Skawinska, 35).
I will employ two non-probability sampling methods: Voluntary Sampling and Convenience Sampling to select the participants. The Internet users in the research will be selected through voluntary sampling from my social websites and the remaining participants will be selected based on convenience sampling from the university yearbooks.
Data Analysis procedure
I will use the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to analyze the data that will be collected. The procedure will allow me to assess the variables in the research and the influence of each of the variables on the dependent variable. The variables will be added individually and I will show the final step of the multilevel model instead of all the steps.
Ceniza-Levine, Caroline. “Technology Innovations Improving The Lives Of The Everyday
Worker.” Forbes, 15 Jun 2015. Accessed 31 Jan 2016. Web.
Zalewski, Romuald I., and Skawinska, Eulalia. “Impact of technological innovations on economic growth
of nations.” Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. 7.6 (2009): 35-40. PDF version.