Policies are put forward by the government and policy makers to ensure that the country moves in a positive direction towards attaining its goals and objectives and bettering the economy of the country in general and the well being of the citizens. The senate passed the bill 1174 which was referred as the California multilingual education act (Leginfo.legislature.ca.gov, 2013). This act advocated for the provision of multilingual instructions in California public schools. The multilingual policy is seen to have been put into enactment due to the fact that there has been an increased interconnection in the global economy and as such it is essential for the students to be able to communicate in different languages so as to be prepared to what they would face in the global economy after school . Students learning multiple languages are seen to have an advantageous aspect in the job market. This is because as the economy diversifies, employers are seeking to employ multilingual employees. The enactment of the policy would as such ensure that all students would have multilingual skills and therefore would be more viable for the job market.
Learning of multiple languages has also been seen to have several advantageous aspects on students. Research has shown that building bilateral skills among students helps them have higher academic success which is a cornerstone for stronger cognitive skills when the students grow up. The policy as formulated does not exclude English or give it less weight or attention but the growing need of diversifying in languages makes the multilingual act be of great essence in an economy that is increasingly being interconnected . The implementation of the policy at a lower level, that is, the school level would be of great benefit as students would enter the job market having extra skills that would enable them to work more effectively.
Leginfo.legislature.ca.gov,. (2013). Bill Text - SB-1174 English language education.. Retrieved 24 February 2016, from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140SB1174
Melgar, J. (2014). Senator Lara Announces Bill Supporting Multilingual Education.
Mora, J. K. (n.d.). Arguments in Support of SB 1174. California Senate Bill SB 1174 Talking Points.